#promote tourism

Collection of promote tourism news, found 207 news.

Majapahit Travel Fair aims to promote tourism in East Java

The ongoing Majapahit Travel Fair (MTF), with travel exchange as its key program, is being held at the Grand City ...

Palestine promotes tourism in Indonesia

Palestine is promoting its tourism attractions in Indonesia to draw more Indonesian tourists and to create greater ...

Banyuwangi`s Red Island being promoted at ITB Berlin

The Red Island with its beautiful beach in Banyuwangi district, East Java, is being promoted at ITB Berlin from March ...

Lombok as best halal tourist destination set to intensify promotion

Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, has been recognized as the Best Halal Tourist Destination and the Best ...

indonesia to intensify pilgrimage tourism promotion activities

Indonesia is the worlds largest Muslim population nation and also home to the followers of other religions, such as ...

Banyuwangi`s Red Island beach becomes favorite tourist destination

The unique and innate character of the surrounding hills of Red Island beach has made Banyuwangi in East Java one of ...

Indonesia optimistic visa-free policy will boost tourism

The Indonesian tourism ministry has observed that until October 2015, the governments visa-free policy has ...

Visitors begin flocking to Kayubura Beach to witness Sail Tomini

Several days before the main event of Sail Tomini is held, thousands of people have begun to flock to the Kayubura ...

What comes next after Sail Tomini 2015?

Situated between the Indian and Pacific Oceans in-between Asia and Australia, Indonesia is proud to have organized ...

Infrastructure to host Sail Tomini to be readied on time

The infrastructure necessary to host the upcoming international maritime event of Sail Tomini 2015 will be readied on ...

Lombok Sumbawa Pearl Festival scheduled on Aug 19-Sept 16

The international Lombok Sumbawa Pearl Festival (LSPF) 2015 will be organized from August 18 to September 15 in ...

Indonesia focuses on attracting Singapore`s investment in maritime, infrastructure, manufacturing

The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) will focus on attracting Singaporean investment in the maritime, ...

President Jokowi invites Singaporean businesspersons to invest in Batam, Bintan

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has invited Singaporean businessmen to invest in Batam, Bintan, and the surrounding ...

Indonesia promoting eco-tourism to protect rainforests

Indonesia is promoting eco-tourism in numerous regions as one of the means of protecting its rainforests while helping ...

Palembang Develops Musi River Tourism To Attract Foreign Tourists

The Ampera Bridge has become the most famous icon of Palembang, which is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia and in ...