#provincial government

Collection of provincial government news, found 3.113 news.

Expert presses for placing JakWifi at priority locations like schools

Urban planning expert Nirwono Joga encouraged the Jakarta provincial government to place the public free WiFi service, ...

East Java chiefly prioritizing people's welfare improvement in 2023

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa stated that improving people's welfare remains the main focus of the ...

East Java confirms 1.2 million ready-to-inject doses of Inavac

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa ensured that 1,225,000 doses of locally made COVID-19 vaccine, Inavac, ...

Hydrometeorological disasters in NTT damage 396 homes

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has informed that 396 houses in the province ...

Jakarta to rehabilitate 250 slum areas to improve public health

Acting Governor of Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono has planned to rehabilitate slums areas located in 250 community units ...

Govt plans dams on Timor Island for flood control: NTT

The central government will help the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) government build dams in the northern region of Timor ...

BNPB distributes 500 food packages to flood victims in Demak

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has distributed 500 food packages to meet the needs of residents ...

Necessary to build heart and cancer hospital in Riau: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accentuated the need to build a heart and cancer hospital in Riau Province in a bid to ...

Logistics aid for Cianjur victims still sufficient: VP

Logistics aid for earthquake victims in Cianjur District, West Java, is still sufficient, despite the district ...

Jakarta ensures free WiFi availability despite reduced access points

The Communication, Information, and Statistics Office of Jakarta is working to ensure the continuation of the free WiFi ...

President, Riau governor discuss setting up specialized hospitals

Riau Governor Syamsuar has apprised President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) about the need for establishing specialized ...

Jakarta prepares pumps against coastal flooding in early Jan 2023

The Jakarta provincial government has prepared water pumps to anticipate coastal flooding in the capital's northern ...

Central Java becomes first province to get data center

Central Java has become the first province in Indonesia to get a data center and entered the list of the National Cyber ...

South Sulawesi readies Rp20-bln aviation subsidy for three airports

The provincial government of South Sulawesi has readied aviation subsidy amounting to Rp20 billion for Arung Palakka ...

Jakarta finalizing giant sea wall concept

The Jakarta provincial government is finalizing the giant sea wall construction concept, as it is related to spatial ...