#public awareness

Collection of public awareness news, found 717 news.

RI FM addresses apec-sponsored meeting on women`s role

Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa addressed the Women and the Economy Summit (WES), an Asia Pacific Economic ...

Tree planting movement conducted in 23 provinces in 2011

Activities under the national tree planting movement have been carried out in 23 provinces this year to help deal with ...

Beware of hepatitis, the silent killer

Indonesia just joined the world in observing World Hepatitis Day on July 28 launched by the World Health Organization ...

Immunization key to prevent hepatitis: minister

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih has said immunization is the most effective means to prevent hepatitis. ...

S. Korea revises up survival rate target among cancer patients

South Korea revised upward its target for the "cancer survival" rate among its citizens as its efforts to prevent and ...

ASEAN fun bike highlights ASEAN`s 44th Anniversary

An ASEAN Fun bike 2011 event was held here on Sunday (July 10) to mark the 44th Anniversary of ASEAN on 8 August ...

S. Korea to tighten penalties for animal cruelty

South Korea will impose tougher penalties including possible prison terms for cruelty to animals following a highly ...

Some 16 people join tsunami preparedness training in Bogor

As many as 16 people joined a tsunami preparedness training program from June 21 through 25, 2011 held by the ...

HIV/AIDS cases increasing in various Indonesian provinces

With the general public having scant understanding of how HIV/AIDS is transmitted and people still tending to ...

ASEAN unites in battle against dengue

The first ASEAN Dengue Day was observed on June 15 at Jakarta`s National Museum on June 15, where a call was made to ...

Number of HIV/AIDS sufferers in Banda Aceh rises

The number of HIV/AIDS sufferers in Banda Aceh, Aceh`s propvincial capital, inceased from four to five this year. ...

Justice, Human Rights minister conducts anti-corruption campaign

Justice and Human Rights affairs minister conducted an anti-corruption campaign here on Sunday, saying the country ...

PT Timah (Persero) Tbk Posted Rp 354.7 Billion Net Profit in the First Quarter of 2011

PT Timah (Persero) Tbk reported today its operating performance and unaudited Financial Statements of PT Timah ...

World Bank launches joint initiative to promote road safety

World Bank with six multilateral banks launches a joint initiative to improve road safety and stem rising road deaths ...

Lampung University students to transplant coral reefs

Students of the Biology Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Lampung (Unila), will ...