#public prosecutor

Collection of public prosecutor news, found 202 news.

Egypt slaps travel ban on former ministers, officials

Egypt`s public prosecutor said on Thursday that several ministers and officials, including former interior minister ...

Ariel Gets Three Years in Jail

Suspect of porn video case Najriel Irham, better known as Ariel Peterpan, had been sentenced three and a half years in ...

Arthalita Suryani obtains conditional release from jail

Noted businesswoman Arthalita Suryani alias Ayin regained her freedom on Friday after receiving a government ...

IPW calls for probe of Antasari`s alleged orchestrated case

The Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) called on the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas Ham) to form a fact-finding ...

Govt unhappy about Saudi court verdict on Sumiati`s employer

The Indonesian government is not happy about a Saudi Arabian court`s decision to punish a Saudi person with three ...

Prosecution deamadns five years jail for Ariel Peterpan

The prosecution in the court trials of porn video defendant Nazriel Ilham or Ariel Peterpan has demanded a 5-year jail ...

Govt seriously strengthening legal system: minister

The government is making serious efforts to strengthen the country`s legal system, and doing it by improving the ...