#quality family villages

Collection of quality family villages news, found 22 news.

Lampung BKKBN, Kodim 0424/TGM conduct social service to cut stunting

The Lampung Provincial Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) and District Military Command (Kodim) 0424/TGM ...

BKKBN develops micro-level population, family data center

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has developed the House for Population Data and Family ...

Improving HR quality must for optimizing demographic bonus: BKKBN

Improving human resource (HR) quality is a must to optimize opportunities from the expected boom in productive national ...

Presidential instruction can become reference for family resilience

The presidential instruction on optimizing efforts to improve family quality in villages must be used as a reference ...

BKKBN holds Kampung KB competition to celebrate National Family Day

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) is making efforts to facilitate the establishment of more ...

Number of offspring affects family quality: BKKBN

The number of children born to a married couple could affect the quality of their family in terms of their physical or ...

Collaboration between govt, parties key to handling stunting

Collaboration between the government and all parties is the key to addressing the problems of malnutrition and ...