
Collection of quantity news, found 583 news.

Islamic banks should play three crucial roles: VP Amin

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin highlighted three key roles that Islamic banks must play to partake in the nation's ...

Health Minister ensures COVID-19 vaccine availability for next month

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has ensured that COVID-19 vaccine stocks in the country are still sufficient for ...

CDC's recognition of Indonesia's low COVID-19 status should motivate

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recognized Indonesia as a country with a low rate of ...

Success of 2024 general elections starts from villages

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has intensified the dissemination of information on voting to the nation's ...

FFI plays important role in Indonesian film development: official

The Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) plays an important role in Indonesian film development and showcasing the potential ...

Food waste is major challenge for farming in future: FAO

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) called food waste, resulting from the impact of production, consumption, ...

News Focus

Facilitating market access for Bali MSMEs' innovative products

Recently, the government facilitated a meeting between small business owners from Buleleng, Klungkung, and Tabanan ...

President targets raising biodiesel production to save forex

Domestic biodiesel production will reduce diesel imports in order to save up to Rp56 trillion (almost US$4 billion) of ...

Uno invites 19 EU ambassadors to discuss synergy in tourism

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno invited several European Union ambassadors to discuss various forms ...

Climate change ruins traditional practice of Titen in fisheries: BMKG

Climate change has disrupted the Javanese skill "Titen" used by fishers to look for signs and characteristics ...

West Jakarta government claims inorganic waste considerably declines

The West Jakarta government claimed that the quantity of inorganic waste in the garbage bank during the pandemic had ...

Scientist specializing in sustainable nutrition wins APEC Prize

An inspiring young scientist, specializing in connecting agriculture and food systems with sustainability and nutrition ...

International economic agreements to help expand MSMEs export market

Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Nevi Zuairina is optimistic that various ...

Legislator urges Surabaya government to increase number of bottle ATMs

Legislator from Surabaya's Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) from Commission C, William Wirakusuma, requested the ...

Halal MSMEs require strong support to bolster export market: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin highlighted the importance of ensuring that Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises ...