#rapid tests

Collection of rapid tests news, found 147 news.

Indonesia's COVID-19 recoveries on Friday increase by 219 to 5,057

Indonesia’s count of coronavirus cases swelled to 20,796, as of Friday, with 5,057 people having recovered from ...

Task Force confirms 30,098 volunteers join to stem COVID-19 spread

Some 30,098 medical and non-medical volunteers have joined the forces to stem the spread of the COVID-19 disease caused ...

Indonesia records 18,496 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 4,467 recoveries

Indonesia’s coronavirus case count has shot up to 18,496 as of Tuesday, with 4,467 people recovering from the ...

Rapid test result for COVID-19 comes reactive for five people

The result of a COVID-19 rapid test on five of the 78 people at Mawar Market in the West Kalimantan provincial capital ...

Government prepares Rp3.1 trillion subsidy for BPJS participants

The government has prepared Rp3.1 trillion in subsidy for participants of two schemes offered by the Health Care and ...

BPJS Kesehatan warns hospitals over not charging for rapid tests

The Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) warned its partnering hospitals to not charge the ...

Jakarta reports 4,958 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 767 recoveries

As of Saturday, Jakarta has recorded a total of 4,958 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, an ...

E Kalimantan's 12 health workers suspected to have contracted COVID-19

A total of 12 health workers in North Penajam Paser District, East Kalimantan Province, are suspected to have been ...

Jakarta's confirmed COVID-19 case count reaches 4,775

With 66 more people testing positive for the novel coronavirus disease, which originated in Wuhan (China) in late 2019, ...

48 migrant workers quarantined in Bali allowed to go home

Forty eight Indonesian migrant workers quarantined at a hotel in Badung District, Bali Province, have been allowed to ...

Siak District: Three PDPs who died test negative for COVID-19

Three out of the five patients under surveillance (PDP) who died in Siak District, Riau Province, have tested negative ...

Over 100 officials in Papua test positive for coronavirus

In a mass antibody rapid test conducted last week, 110 officials have tested positive for the coronavirus infection in ...

Four of nine Indians in Yogyakarta test positive for COVID-19

Four of the nine Indian nationals in Sleman, Yogyakarta, tested positive for COVID-19 on the basis of the results of a ...

13,065 South Jakarta residents undergo COVID-19 rapid test

The Health Office of the South Jakarta City Administration said a total of 13,065 residents in the city have undergone ...

47,588 Jakarta residents undergo rapid test for COVID-19

A total of 47,588 Jakarta residents have so far undergone rapid diagnostic tests for the coronavirus disease ...