
Collection of reading news, found 888 news.

News Feature

Alluring dark poems of South American poets

Mama told us of a white forest in Russia: “... and we made little men out of snow and put hats we stole from ...

ANTARA's Choice

From struggle, love, to humor: rich themes of Indonesian poems

Aku by Chairil Anwar is one of the Indonesian-language poems that are widely known across generations. Some ...

Weekend Stories

Poems of Rumi, Gu Cheng are still touching hearts, lives

“Lover whispers to my ear, Better to be a prey than a hunter. Make yourself My fool. ... so you may ...

ANTARA's Choice

Raw emotions, blunt words fill the world of modern poetry

It is fair to say that modern poetry can be rather polarizing and easily become a center of debate among poetry ...

Weekend Stories

Deciphering Indonesia in its myriad shades through its female writers

International Women's Day is celebrated worldwide to honor women and their accomplishments and acknowledge what ...

PMI increases, minister upbeat on industry investment growth

Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita is optimistic of Indonesia's industry sector investment growth after ...

Indonesian soldiers bridge teacher shortage gap in Papua

owned school. Edowardus Burman Tenjap, a fourth-grade student at this YPK's elementary school, expressed ...

Covid-19 hampers global economic recovery: BI

The global economic recovery process has been hampered by the Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak since the ...

Discovering Jakarta

Taman Ismail Marzuki -- sweet escape in hectic Jakarta

As the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta is arguably a big city where people can find almost everything. This metropolitan ...

Weekend Stories

Smartphone alters news consumption behavior among generations

Every morning, before leaving for school, Komarudin, also called Komar, a resident of the Kemayoran area, Central ...

Riau Islands Province raises awareness on coronavirus

The Riau Islands provincial government is raising awareness after learning that coronavirus had infected people, ...

Senseforth.ai breaks into top-6 of the global machine reading performance leaderboard

- Senseforth.ai, a leader in the Conversational AI space, attained the 6th spot in one of the world’s most ...

Kudus district allots Rp35.4 billion to improve damaged schools

The Kudus district administration has set aside Rp35.4 billion to improve the infrastructure of 169 schools that ...

Weekend Stories

When it is raining: Create a weekend book club

“Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” Vladimir Nabokov, a ...

Population census instrumental in Indonesia 2045 vision: BPS

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is buoyant of the 2020 population census paving the way to fulfilling President ...