
Collection of rebound news, found 216 news.

News Focus

Indonesia's tourism industry projected to rebound in 2021

The tourism industry in several countries, including Indonesia, has been seriously crippled by the novel coronavirus ...

APEC trade ministers issue statement on COVID-19 pandemic

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ministers Responsible for Trade acknowledged the huge challenges posed on ...

Jokowi believes Indonesia would recover from COVID-19 pandemic in 2021

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed strong belief on Thursday that Indonesia would recover from the ongoing new ...

APEC faces output loss of US$2.1 trillion owing to COVID-19

The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic afflicted over two million people globally, with 40 ...

COVID-19 estimated to cause 50-percent drop in tourism revenue

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Wishnutama Kusubandio has forecast a sharp 50 percent drop in foreign exchange ...

APEC highlights significance of multilateral cooperation in COVID-19

Multilateral cooperation, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), safeguards countries worldwide in ...

IHSG sheds 36.11 points on Monday but rebound projected

The Indonesian composite index (IHSG) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Monday morning, plummeted 36.11 points (0.61 ...

IHSG opens 11.94 points higher amid Asian markets' rebound

The Indonesian composite index (IHSG) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) opened higher at 11.94 points, or 0.2 ...

Coronavirus outbreak drives depreciation of rupiah

Indonesia's rupiah opened lower by 10 points, or 0.07 percent, to Rp13,684 against the US dollar on Thursday ...

IHSG projected to strengthen amid Coronavirus outbreak

Indonesian composite index (IHSG) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange opened 8.83 points (0.15 percent) higher, Thursday ...

IHSG strengthens slightly while investors cautious over Coronavirus

The Indonesian composite index (IHSG) closed slightly higher Tuesday evening at 2.31 points, or 0.04 percent, to ...

Indonesia's first-quarter economic growth projected at five percent

Mari Elka Pangestu, newly appointed World Bank's managing director of development policy and partnerships, projects ...

IHSG to rebound amid positive sentiment from global markets

The Indonesian composite index (IHSG) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) opened higher at 11.47 points, or 0.19 ...

Coronavirus spread, China's investment into Indonesia not yet affected

The coronavirus outbreak has not any significant impact yet on the inflow of China's investments into Indonesia but ...

Coronavirus outbreak will undermine Indonesian economy by 0.29%

The coronavirus outbreak would undermine Indonesia's economy by some 0.1 to 0.29 percent, with China's economy ...