
Collection of reformasi news, found 27 news.

Preserving civil supremacy amid military law revision

National legislators elected to the House of Representatives (DPR) for the 2024–2029 period have initiated ...

National Press Day momentum to reflect on Press Law's relevance

Amid the rapid flow of digital information and political dynamics, this year's National Press Day (HPN) serves as a ...

News Feature

10 years of Jokowi: Achievements that should be sustained

In less than a fortnight, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on October 20, 2024, will let go of his position as Indonesian ...

Exploring contemporary pieces at Jakarta Art Hub

Indonesian contemporary art emerged in the country approximately in the 1930s. Stimulated by influences of modernity ...

TNI awaits instruction to send general to speak with Myanmar junta

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has yet to issue an instruction to the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) to send a ...

President Jokowi congratulates Anwar Ibrahim on becoming Malaysia's PM

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) congratulated the newly inaugurated Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim through a ...

Jakarta to convert parks near Grogol Terminal into MSME kiosks

The Jakarta administration is planning to transform parks near West Jakarta's Grogol bus terminal to build kiosks ...

Year Ender - Democracy must bring prosperity to people by Azis Kurmala

The year 2018 marks the 11th year of the Bali Democracy Forum, a unique Forum that Indonesia has been hosting ...

Jailed Malaysian leader Anwar urges voters to pick former nemesis Mahathir

Jailed Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Tuesday urged voters to choose his former political nemesis, ...

IMF bantu Bank Sentral Afghanistan perbaiki sistem keuangan

Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) mengatakan bahwa organisasi moneter terkemuka itu akan memberikan nasehat dan ...

Dolar AS menguat

Kurs dolar AS menguat terhadap mata uang utama lainnya pada akhir perdagangan Jumat (Sabtu pagi WIB), dengan didukung ...

Emas tertekan penguatan dolar AS

Kontrak emas berjangka di divisi COMEX New York Mercantile Exchange berakhir turun ke level terendah empat bulan pada ...

Saham-saham bursa Tokyo ditutup bervariasi

Saham-saham Tokyo ditutup beragam pada Selasa, karena kenaikan dari ekspektasi pasar terhadap reformasi pajak Amerika ...

Emas turun tertekan penguatan dolar dan ekuitas AS

Kontrak emas berjangka di divisi COMEX New York Mercantile Exchange berakhir lebih rendah pada Senin (Selasa pagi ...

Bursa saham Tokyo dibuka beragam

Saham-saham Tokyo dibuka beragam pada Senin, karena sentimen pasar terbebani laporan tentang keterlibatan Rusia dalam ...