
Collection of resolutions news, found 373 news.

Indonesia's stance on Palestine remains unwavering: foreign ministry

Indonesia's position on Palestine will remain steadfast in spite of the decision of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...

AIPA to address COVID-19 impact, South China Sea conflict: DPR

The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) has agreed to work together to address the COVID-19 pandemic and its ...

Indonesia fights for resolution on Rohingya aid at AIPA meeting

Indonesia Office had officially granted refugee status to the 99 Rohingya migrants, according to Indonesian Foreign ...

Embassy of Pakistan holds discussion on foreign policy, regional issue

Observing the 89th Jammu & Kashmir Martyrs Day, July 13, the Pakistani Embassy, Jakarta, collaborated with ...

News Focus

Global community's growing chorus against Israel's annexation plan

Israel did not proceed with its planned July-1 annexation of parts of West Bank and Jordan Valley, Palestine, amid ...

Indonesian Parliament rejects Israel's West Bank annexation

House of Representatives' Commission I Deputy Chairman Abdul Kharis Almasyari affirmed that the House's ...

PKS denounces Israel's West Bank annexation plan

Jazuli Juwaini, chairman of the PKS Faction at the House of Representatives (DPR), vehemently denounced Israel's ...

News Focus

Collective action urged against Israel plan to annex West Bank

With the colonial regime in Israel expanding its territories by occupying more Arab lands, the international community ...

NU strongly condemns israel's plan to annex West Bank, Palestine

The Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) has strongly condemned Israel's planned annexation of the West Bank, the ...

Israeli annexation of West Bank cannot be justified: legislator

Aziz Syamsuddin, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR), has opined that Israel's planned ...

International community urged to oppose Israel's annexation plan

Indonesia appealed to the international community to oppose Israel's planned annexation of Palestinian territories ...

News Focus

Indonesia strongly opposes Israeli annexation plan of West Bank

Israel’s lust for more Arab land seems endless. They have occupied and colonized most of Palestinian land and ...

Indonesia urges Israel to stop annexation of West Bank, Palestine

The Indonesian government has urged Israel to stop its plan to annex the Palestinian territory in the West Bank, ...

Indonesia initiates UNSC meeting on Palestine: Envoy

Indonesia and Tunisia successfully pushed for a UN Security Council (UNSC) special meeting to hear Palestinian ...

News Focus

Significance of fulfilling basic rights of Rohingya

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Myanmar to take emergency measures to protect the Rohingya from ...