Some 49 convicts involved in various corruption cases in Indonesia have not had their sentences carried out, a ...
Satellites from the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) have detected 747 hot spots in Sumatera ...
Hendri Tamzoni, Firdaus and Hendra of Riau, who went missing after a tugboat went down in Rupat waters, Bengkalis ...
The Pekanbaru Police department will deploy 800 personnel to secure the anti-fuel price hike rally on March 29, an ...
The Ketaping Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) in West Sumatra said that in the last week there ...
NOAA-18 Satellite operated by Singapore managed to detect 114 hot-spots throughout Sumatra island, analyst of the ...
The outbreak of poisonous rove beetles in East Java, which have infected around 560 people in 12 districts, has ...
Customs authorities at the Ngurah Rai airport on the Indonesian resort island of Bali have arrested Malaysian Hew Kok ...
A joint team is investigating the death of three Sumatran elephants in Pelalawan district in Riau province to ...
Downstream Oil and Gas Regulating Agency (BPH Migas) said Indonesia`s subsidized fuel oil stock was safe and plentiful ...
The recording of identity cards (KTP) using the electronic system now known as e-KTP in Riau province has reached 61 ...
The All-Indonesia Football Association (PSSI) has proposed Jakarta as the host of the AFC U-22 Asian Cup qualifying ...
Indonesia`s chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa said the country needed Rp1,000 trillion to make its Master Plan for ...
The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) chapter of Samarinda, East Kalimantan provincial capital, has publicized an ...
The number of forest fire hot spots in Riau Province continues increasing daily, according to data from the Pekanbaru ...