
Collection of rice news, found 3.328 news.

Defense University develops water technology to support food security

Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto is focusing efforts to strengthen national food security through steps including ...

Japanese sake category added to “ASI Bootcamp in Malaysia 2022”

The Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) held the “ASI Bootcamp in Malaysia 2022” three-day training ...

Jakarta increases food subsidy to Rp1.1 trillion

The Jakarta provincial government has raised this year’s food subsidy for one million low-income residents to ...

House Speaker urges G20 nations to address food crisis

Indonesian House Speaker Puan Maharani has urged G20 member states to take concrete actions to address the food crisis, ...

Families playing strategic role in preventing stunting: ministry

Families are playing a strategic role in efforts to prevent stunting, an official from the Coordinating Ministry for ...

Ministry seeks to stabilize prices by distributing food via sea

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has expressed his commitment to maintaining a seamless distribution of basic ...

Farmer's exchange rate records increase in September 2022: BPS

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) recorded the national farmer's exchange rate (NTP) in September 2022 at 106.82, an ...

Desalination technology can help to address clean water crisis: BRIN

Desalination technology used to turn sea water into consumable clean water could become a solution to the clean water ...

Choose food and beverage products with Healthier Option label: BPOM

The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) appealed to the public to choose food and beverage products, with the ...

Women play contributory role in transitioning towards new energy

Women contributed in the process of transition towards new energy, including in the transportation sector, such as in ...

BRIN conducts training to compose academic papers for students

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) organized a training session for hundreds of university students in ...

Boyolali researches archaeological findings in Tlawong Village

The Boyolali District authority, Central Java, has collaborated with Yogyakarta's archaeologists for examining the ...

BRIN developing highly nutritious rice to help fight stunting

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is developing a highly nutritious rice variety that contains ...

Rice production pulled Indonesia out of food crisis: official

 As Indonesia is a major rice-producing country, it has recovered quickly from the food crisis compared to other ...

NFA handles stunting-prone regions through BS2A-Dashat

The National Food Agency (NFA) optimizes stunting reduction in vulnerable regions through integration of the Diverse, ...