#ridwan kamil

Collection of ridwan kamil news, found 376 news.

30 West Java's young ulemas to be sent to campaign for peaceful Islam

A total of 30 young ulemas from different parts of West Java Province passed the English Program for Ulemas, and they ...

W Java is first province to launch gas-to-electic stove conversion

West Java is the first Indonesian province to launch a gas-to-electric stove conversion program after Governor Ridwan ...

Anoa Panzer Monument in Bandung officially opened

Marking their 21st anniversary, the State-owned Enterprises (BUMN) Ministry and state-owned weapons manufacturer PT ...

Jokowi visits Cirebon for open campaign

Presidential candidate number 01 Joko Widodo was present at the open campaign organized by the Indonesian Coalition ...

President distributes waqf land certificates in Cianjur to prevent disputes

President Joko Widodo said he distributed certificates of waqf land for mosques, prayer rooms, madrassas, and Islamic ...

President converses with Garut farmers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) engaged in a conversation with several farmers in Cisaat Village, Leuwigoong, Garut ...

West Java, South Korea to establish international coffee school

The government of West Java Province and South Korea will establish an international coffee school in a bid to promote ...

W Java raises funds to build mosque in Palestine

The West Java provincial government has planned to raise funds in an effort to help build a mosque in Palestine, which ...

W Java promotes investment potentials to businesses in Texas

Provincial government of West Java offered a number of investment opportunities to American businesses based in ...

Sukabumi free from children suffering from stunted growth: mayor

Mayor of Sukabumi Achmad Fahmi claims that the town is now free from cases of children suffering from stunted ...

West Java to build four retention basins to tackle flooding

West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil (Emil) has proposed the construction of four retention basins to cope with flooding ...

President Jokowi awarded elderly wise man title

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was awarded a "Pinisepuh" (elderly wise man) title by Pasundan Community in ...

W Java offers projects at Indonesia Infrastructure Week

The West Java Provincial Administration will offer 25 infrastructure projects, worth approximately Rp280 trillion ...

Ma`ruf amin attends national santri day ceremony in Tasikmalaya

Vice-presidential candidate number 01 KH Ma`ruf Amin attended the National Santri Day ceremony at the Dadaha Field, ...

W Java offers investment opportunities to Russian investors

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil offered Russian investors business opportunities in various sectors such as ...