
Collection of rises news, found 510 news.

Aceh earthquake`s death toll rises to 40

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) on Sunday reported that the death toll of the earthquake in Aceh had ...

One in 10 could live in climate hotspots by 2100

One out of 10 people around the world is likely to live in a place where two or more sector such as crop yields, ...

Fuel price hikes to trigger 8.5 percent inflation: Citi

Citi Securities has predicted that if the government realizes its plan to increase subsidized fuel oil prices, it ...

Govt trying to off set inflation: Minister

The government will do its best to control price increases in the face of subsidized fuel price hikes and the upcoming ...

Global Leaders Support New Six-Year Plan to Deliver a Polio-Free World by 2018

- Today, at the Global Vaccine Summit, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) presented a comprehensive ...

Death toll rises to 180 in China quake

The earthquake in southwest China`s Sichuan Province has killed 180 people and injured 11,227 others, the provincial ...

Australia gets first Aboriginal provincial government leader

The first Aboriginal to head a government in Australia took office on Thursday as chief minister of the Northern ...

IHSG rises 13,56 points in Friday`s market

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) opened trade on Friday moring with the composite share price index (IHSG) rising ...

Number of dead victims of Jakarta flooding rises to 14

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) said the number of dead victims of the Jakarta floods had up to ...

Junior high school students create energy-efficient elevator

Three junior high school students of SMP 2 Banyumas, Central Java, have created an energy-efficient elevator that uses ...

IHSG rises 2.38 points in Tuesday`s market

The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) opened 2.38 points higher on Tuesday amid depressed stock markets in Asia. ...

Mursi`s brotherhood may pay price for Egypt currency fall

Life in Egypt is about to get harder for ordinary people who will bear the brunt of inflation caused by a decline in ...

IHSG rises 0.92 points in Yhursday`s market

The composite stock price index (IHSG) of the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI) opened 0.92 points higher on Thursday, ...

No Indonesian citizens among victims in U.S. school shooting

Jakarta (ANTARA News) The Foreign Affairs Ministry has said there were no Indonesian citizens among the victims of the ...

IHSG rises 15.22 points in Tuesday`s market

The composite stock price index (IHSG) of the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI) opened 15.22 points higher on Tuesday, ...