
Collection of river news, found 2.122 news.

Central Sulawesi residents mass-evacuate following flash flood

A flash flood inundated Bangga Village in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province, Sunday night, compelling swarms of ...

Bengkulu flooding, landslides claim 29 lives

Flooding and landslides, striking Bengkulu three days ago, claimed 29 lives, whereas the number of those still missing ...

Mt. Merapi's pyroclastic avalanche travels as much as 650 meters

The Geological Disaster Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) reported that the pyroclastic avalanche of Mount ...

Underground river activity creates massive hole in Sukabumi

The outcome of an interim study conducted by the West Java Geology Agency's Land Movement Emergency Response Team ...

Floods submerge hundreds of houses in Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra

Hundreds of homes have been flooded in Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatra Province, following incessant heavy rains ...

Eight coal mining sites worsen floods in Bengkulu

Environmental activists highlighted the existence of eight coal mining companies operating in the Bukit Daun Protection ...

Social Ministry sets up 11 public kitchens for Jakarta flood victims

The Social Affairs Ministry and the Jakarta Social Affairs Office set up 11 public kitchens and appointed 218 rescuers ...

1,539 Jakarta flood victims still take refuge

Some 1,539, of the 2,258 Jakarta residents who fled their houses due to the overflowing of the Ciliwung River, had not ...

120 foreigners to visit South Sumatra fishermen's village

An Australian-flagged cruise ship will transport some 120 foreign tourists to a fishermen’s village in Muara ...

KMP Seluang ferry ship loaded with six trucks sinks

The KMP Seluang ferry ship, carrying six trucks on board, sank in Kapuas River at the Sunyat Pier, Belitang Hilir ...

Mt Agung again erupts and residents urged to wear face masks: BPBD

The Bali Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) authorities have urged those living in the areas of Karangasem District, ...

Flood submerges office with election logistics in W Java

A flood triggered by heavy rain that led to the CIranca River spilling over its banks, and submerging the Pelabuhanratu ...

The flash floods hit Deliserdang in North Sumatra

Flash floods hit Deliserdang, North Sumatra, on Thursday, which began with an overflow of water from the upper reaches ...

Mount Merapi spews hot cloud on early Sunday

Mount Merapi, which is locate in the border of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java Province, again ...

Overflowing Cimanuk River inundates Indramayu's five sub-districts

Cimanuk River has overflowed its bank, causing widespread flooding in thousands of homes in 12 villages situated in ...