#roll call

Collection of roll call news, found 166 news.

Preparations for Lebaran festivities already complete: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said here on Thursday that preparations to meet the flow of homebound travelers during ...

Patriotism transcends merely defending country during wartime: VP

Patriotism has a broader meaning that encompasses strengthening the resilience of the Indonesian people across the ...

Kalla leads roll call of national defense personnel in Bojonegoro

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla led a roll call of national defense personnel called "The National Defense Commitment by ...

Two-thirds of total traffic personnel deployed during long easter weekend

The National Polices Traffic Corps (Korlantas) has ordered each provincial police traffic directorate (Ditlantas) to ...

OIC summit important to save Palestine: MP

An Indonesian Member of Parliament said the upcoming 5th Extraordinary Summit of the Organization of Islamic ...

Indonesian police deploys 4,200 officers to secure OIC Summit

The Indonesian Police will deploy at least 4,200 police officers to secure the Extraordinary Summit of the ...

Indonesia Beefs Up Security Measures Ahead of OIC Summit

The Indonesian authorities have beefed up security measures in Jakarta and surrounding areas for an Extraordinary ...

New Year`s eve celebrations held peacefully

The New Years eve celebrations have gone peacefully across Indonesia with no untoward security incidents. "It ...

Jakarta police intensifies security at embassies on NYE

The Jakarta Police have increased security at foreign embassies as part of the efforts to anticipate acts of terror ...

Police chief calls to optimize intelligence operations

National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti has called on his personnel to optimize intelligence operations and early ...

Regional election to improve democratic system in Indonesia: MPR

The Indonesia Deputy Chairman of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Oesman Sapta Odang expects the implementation ...

Police to deploy 135,672 officers to secure local elections

The Indonesian Police will deploy 135,672 officers to secure the implementation of the simultaneous regional head ...

Vice president gives directives to police on election security measures

Vice President M Jusuf Kalla gave directives to police officers on security measures for simultaneous regional head ...

TNI to probe F-16`s failure to take off

National Defense Forces (TNI) Chief General Moeldoko said the military will soon investigate why F-16 aircraft failed ...

Military to not allow any disturbance during Asian-African Conference

The military will not allow any party to disrupt the 60th anniversary events of the Asian-African Conference (AAC) ...