
Collection of saleh news, found 746 news.

West Sulawesi to build cocoa industrial school

The West Sulawesi provincial administration has demarcated a 13-hectare plot of land to build a cocoa industrial ...

Thousands of doctors rally, objecting to criminalization of colleagues

Thousands of specialist obstetricians and gynecologists participated in a rally to object to the criminalization of ...

Malaysia's Royal Award for Islamic Finance Calls for Global Nominations

- Malaysia's Royal Award for Islamic Finance (The Royal Award) commences the third global search to honour an ...

Indonesians show solidarity with Egyptian people

Following the escalation of the political tension and the increase in the number of fatalities in Egypt, a number of ...

RasGas' Helium 2 Plant Starts Production

- Qatar Now World's Largest Exporter And Second Largest Producer Of Helium     RasGas Company ...

President to visit quake victims in Aceh

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to visit earthquake victims in Central Aceh and Bener ...

Uganda interested in Indonesian military industry products

Uganda Defense Minister Kiyonga Cripus has expressed interest in Indonesian military industry products including CN ...

Indonesia urged to lobby Saudi Arabia over hajj quota

Amid the Saudi government`s policy to cut hajj pilgrims` numbers due to expansion work at Mecca`s Grand Mosque, some ...

W. Sulawesi intends to cooperate with Urumqi in agricultural sector

West Sulawesi provincial government intends to cooperate with Urumqi in China`s Xinjiang province in agriculture ...

Over 140 cyclists start competing in Tour de Singkarak

At least 142 cyclists started competing in Tour de Singkarak (TdS) international bicycles race from Jam Gadang (Clock ...

EU ends arms embargo against Syrian rebels

The European Union agreed Monday to lift its embargo against arming Syrian rebels, but no member state intends to send ...

Analyst says Yudhoyono-Prabowo meeting benefits both sides

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who is chief patron of the Democratic Party (PD) and Prabowo Subianto, chief ...

Yudhoyono, Prabowo`s meeting benefits both

Political analyst Saleh Partaonan Daulay said the meeting between President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Prabowo ...

Indonesian aerospace firm focusing on Asia-Pacific market

The Indonesian Aerospace Company (PTDI) is focusing on the Asia-Pacific market and investing Rp1.4 trillion in 2013 ...

People urged to step up fight against drugs

All Indonesians have been called on to `wage a massive battle` against drugs after the arrest of 17 people on Sunday ...