
Collection of saleh news, found 755 news.

Indonesian Ulema afraid Charlie Hebdo incident to harm Muslims

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is afraid that Wednesdays deadly shooting attack on the office of the French ...

President Awards Medals to eight governors for promoting food security

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in a ceremony held at a paddy field in Subang, on Friday, awarded the Adhikarya Pangan ...

President Jokowi reminds farmers of target for rice self sufficiency

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded Indonesian farmers on Friday of the target in three years to achieve rice self ...

Indonesia set to become world`s largest cocoa producer

Indonesia is set to become the worlds largest cocoa producer in 2020 relegating the Ivory Coast currently the largest ...

Only firms developing sugar mills to be issued import permits

The government will issue sugar import permits only to companies developing sugar mills with the aim to meet domestic ...

Vice president calls for transparency in all institutions

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has urged all institutions to operate transparently for the public to see their performance ...

Indonesia`s rattan products expected to undergo robust growth

- Indonesias rattan-based products will get another boost with the inauguration of the National Rattan Innovation ...

Indonesia Should Appeal To UN Over Israeli Aggression Against Aqsa

Israeli police clashed with Palestinians last week at the entrance to al-Aqsa Mosque, Islams third most sacred place, ...

Qaeda says tried to kill US Ambassador to Yemen

Al-Qaeda said Saturday it had tried to assassinate the US ambassador to Yemen with two bombs that were discovered ...

Muhammadiyah urges police to probe shooting at Amien Rais` house

The Chairman of Muhammadiyahs Youth Wing, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, has urged the police to investigate the shooting at ...

Five factions of Red-White coalition to lead House commissions

Five factions of the Red-White coalition were elected to lead the commissions of the House of Representatives (DPR) ...

President Jokowi inaugurates cabinet ministers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurates his cabinet ministers here on Monday at the Presidential Palace. The ...

President Jokowi announces cabinet lineup consisting of 34 ministers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla announced his cabinet lineup consisting of 34 ...

Indonesia Needs Solid System Of Checks And Balances

- General elections in Indonesia this year have led to an entirely new political scenario in the country. This ...

Sutan Bhatoegana complies with KPK`s summons

The ex-chairman of Parliaments Commission VII Sutan Bhatoegana honored the Corruption Eradication Commissions (KPKs) ...