#sar team

Collection of sar team news, found 480 news.

Minister visits Bogor landslide victims to ensure their safety

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini visited hundreds of refugees affected by landslides in Gang Barjo, RT03/RW03 ...

Minister Rismaharini hands over aid for landslide victims in Bogor

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini disbursed aid to the refugees of landslides that occurred twice in Kebonkelapa ...

West Sulawesi Police ensures flood victims receive assistance

West Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Verdianto I Bitticaca made assurance that assistance reached the residents ...

Compensation of Rp15 mln for Bali's rain-related disasters victims

Compensation of Rp15 million is being provided for those who died following heavy rainfall which led to landslides and ...

Jakarta governor readies pumps to handle floods, extreme weather

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan has readied several pumps to drain floods and as a precautionary measure against ...

SAR team evacuates foreign tourists from Seminyak, Bali

The Denpasar Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) and a joint search and rescue (SAR) team evacuated international and ...

Pilot of crashed military aircraft to be buried in Bekasi

The body of First Lieutenant Allan Safitra Indra Wahyudi, the pilot of the T-50i Golden Eagle military aircraft that ...

SAR evacuates body of Filipino seafarer who died in work accident

The Banda Aceh Search and Rescue Agency (SAR) evacuated the body of a Filipino citizen who died in a work accident on ...

BPBD conducts evaluation of floods, landslides in C Java's Cilacap

The Cilacap District Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), Central Java, conducted an assessment of the floods and ...

Search on for black boxes of crashed Susi Air plane

Efforts are still on to retrieve the black boxes of the Susi Air plane that crashed en route from Timika to Duma, ...

AirNav furnishes details of Susi Air's missing plane incident

State-run air traffic control service provider AirNav Indonesia revealed that the Susi Air plane that reportedly went ...

Joint SAR team evacuates Susi Air crash victims to Timika

A joint search and rescue (SAR) team has evacuated six passengers and the pilots of the Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC-6 ...

Susi Air passengers found safe after reported missing in Papua

All passengers aboard Dayle Peter Houzet-piloted Susi Air plane that met with an accident on the Timika-Duma route, ...

Susi Air plane lost contact during flight to Timika

A Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC-6 plane reportedly lost contact with air control authorities during a flight to Timika, ...

Batam: Seven illegal migrant workers still missing after boat sinking

A rescue team is still searching for seven illegal Indonesian migrant workers who went missing after their ...