
Collection of satellite news, found 1.002 news.

704 hotspots detected in Sumatra Island: meteorology agency

Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency of Pekanbaru stated that the Terra and Aqua Satellite have detected a ...

Disaster mitigation agency carries out coordination to tackle haze problem

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has carried out coordination work with several government agencies and ...

Malaysia not to assist Malaysian firms burning land in Indonesia

The Malaysian government will not provide assistance to Malaysian companies that violate Indonesian regulations, ...

Up to 93 hotspots detected in Riau

The Terra and Aqua satellite has detected 93 hotspots, or areas of intense heat indicative of forest fires, in the ...

Katulampa sluice in Bogor on alert one status

The Katulampa sluice in Bogor, West Java, has reached the alert one (I) level on Thursday morning due to heavy rain in ...

Floods affect 1,270 families in Tangerang

A total of 1,270 families have been affected by floods that have inundated the four housing complexes in Tangerang ...

Floodwater still inundating Jakarta`s main roads paralysing traffic

A number of main roads in Jakarta are still inundated by flood water with rain continuing to pour on the city from ...

Bayat Media Center Inauguration Celebrates New National Legacy For Afghanistan's Communication, Community, and Technolog

- Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and Ariana Television & Radio Network's (ATN) Chief Executive Officer ...

Army, LAPAN agree to develop rockets

The Indonesian Army (TNI AD) and the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) signed a Memorandum of ...

Govt has not discussed plan to buy special military satellite

The government is yet to discuss a plan to use non-tax state revenues to buy a special military satellite, ...

UN reinforcements start arriving in S. Sudan

The first United Nations (UN) peacekeeping reinforcements arrived Friday in South Sudan, where the government is said ...

UI plans to build unmanned vessels to help rescue team

The state University of Indonesia (UI) is studying cooperation with the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) ...

Lawmakers urge govt to upgrade communication system to prevent wiretapping

Lawmakers from the Commission I handling defense and foreign affairs have urged the government to upgrade the ...

Huawei Helps APT Construct Cloud Data Centers

- Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, today partnered with APT ...

Indonesia suspends police cooperation with Australian

The Indonesian police have suspended cooperation with Australia police over spying row. The Indonesian government ...