
Collection of satellite news, found 1.002 news.

Muhammadiyah to launch television channel on Nov 18

The second largest Muslim community in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah, will launch its own television channel on November 18 ...

Indonesia needs disaster mitigation technology

As an island nation vulnerable to disasters, Indonesia needs remote sensing technology to assist in its national ...

Southeast Asia agrees anti-haze system

Southeast Asian leaders on Wednesday approved a new system aimed at cracking down on illegal forest fires blamed for ...

Forest fires return in Riau province

Following a prolonged rainy season, Indonesia is currently experiencing a very dry period that has again triggered ...

Fighter planes monitor fires in Riau

Several of the Air Force`s Hawk 100/200 fighter planes have been deployed to monitor bush fires in Sumatra`s Riau ...

Regus Survey Finds Places Where There is 'Never a Dull Meeting'

Although it is rare nowadays to step into a coffee shop without seeing at least one meeting in full swing, flexible ...

Sumatra`s haze might affect Malaysia due to wind direction

Haze from land-clearance fires in Riau Province, Sumatra Island, might affect Malaysia, with the wind blowing toward ...

297 hotspots for forest fires detected in Riau

The Terra and Aqua satellite has detected 297 hotspots for forest fires throughout the Riau Province, according to the ...

Damascus denies regime use of toxic gas

Syrian authorities denied charges that the army used chemical weapons in attacks on areas near the capital on ...

RTL Group and CBS Studios International Announce Plans for New Venture to Launch Two New Television Channels in Asia

- RTL Group, the leading European entertainment network, and CBS Studios International, the leading supplier of ...

Indonesian Research Ministry takes aerospace as theme for Technology Awakening Day

The Ministry of Research and Technology has taken aerospace as the theme for the commemoration of the 18th National ...

Clashes in Cairo between morsi supporters, opponents

Clashes broke out between supporters and opponents of ousted president Mohamed Morsi in the Cairo neighbourhood of ...

Indonesian police monitoring narcotic drugs from Timor Leste

Indonesia police have stepped up their monitoring for possible flows of narcotic drugs from Timor Leste, head of crime ...

Exiled dissidents claim Iran building new nuclear site

An exiled opposition group said on Thursday it had obtained information about a secret underground nuclear site under ...

Riau ends haze emergency response

Riau Province has ended forest fire and haze emergency response and is currently entering a transitional period for ...