
Collection of satellite news, found 1.002 news.

Chinese icebreaker Xuelong to arrive at search area Tuesday

Chinese icebreaker Xuelong is expected to arrive Tuesday at the area in the southern Indian Ocean where possible ...

US Navy black box locator joins search for missing Malaysian plane

The United States Navy ismoving one of its high-tech Black Box detectors closer to the search area for a missing ...

Search for missing MH370 focuses on Chinese satellite photos

Australias maritime search and rescue agency was recalibrating the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH379 ...

U.S. searching aircraft picks up radar signature of large object

A reporter on board a U.S. P-8 aircraft searching for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 said Thursday that the crew have ...

Four aircraft to locate objects may related MH370: AMSA

Four aircraft have been deployed to locate the floating objects in southern Indian Ocean, approximately 2,500 km ...

China highly concerned about possible Australia MH370 find

China paid great attention to Australias possible findings related to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, Foreign ...

RAAF Orion diverted to locate objects related to MH370

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Thursday that an Australian air force Orion has been diverted to locate ...

24-meter-long suspicious object sighted: AMSA

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said on Thursday that two objects possibly related to the missing ...

France offers assistance to investigate missing Malaysian plane

France is ready to offer assistance to Malaysian authorities to investigate the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH ...

Number of Riau`s hotspots increases to 145

The United States NOAA 18 satellite detected 145 hotspots in Riau Province, an increase from 79 earlier, an official ...

China deploys 10 satellites to help in search for Malaysia jet

China has deployed 10 satellites to help in the massive air and sea search for a missing Malaysian airliner, the ...

Dead victims due to haze to receive compensation

The Ministry of Social Affairs will provide compensation for a haze victim who died in Riau province, according to ...

BKMG discovers five hotspots in Batam

Hang Nadim Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has discovered five hotspots from forest fire across ...

Indonesia govt sends team to investigate cause of Riau land fires

The Environment Ministry has sent a team of officers to look into the cause of forest and plantation fires, which have ...

Tens of houses inundated in Subang, W. Java

Floods inundated several houses in the Subang District, West Java Province, following incessant heavy rains that ...