
Collection of seminar news, found 1.598 news.

Int`l seminar on agarwood to be held in C Bangka

An international seminar on agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) will be held in Central Bangka, Sumatra on November ...

Indonesia promoting medicinal herbs tonic scientifically

The Indonesian government has made a strong commitment to develop and promote traditional medicine, especially jamu ...

Most of RI`s salt demand being met by imports

Most of Indonesia`s salt demand is being met by imports because domestic salt production reaches only 1.4 million ...

Asean, China to forge environmental protection partnerships

ASEAN member countries and China are determined to forge partnerships in environmental protection to ensure green ...

Govt to phase out ODS imports until 2040

The government plans to phase out the import of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) used in electronic and household ...

South China Sea needs legally-binding code of conduct

Overlapping or competing sovereignty claims to archipelagoes, special economic zones, extended continental shelves in ...

Investment in RI to grow 16.6 pct next year

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has predicted investment in Indonesia will grow by 16.6 percent to Rp280 ...

RI-M`sia tension triggered by media reports

Tensions between Indonesia and Malaysia are frequently the result of mass media reports that cater to the interests ...

Language as the most important key towards ASEAN community

Language is the most important key towards the development of Association of South East Asia Nation (ASEAN) Community, ...

US, European diplomats to make field trip in Lombok island

A number of US and European diplomats based in Jakarta are expected to make a three-day visit in Lombok Island, West ...

ASEAN finance ministers to gather in Jakarta on Nov 8

ASEAN finance ministers will gather in Jakarta on November 8 for the 8th ASEAN Finance Ministers Investor Seminar ...

Govt to cut SOEs number to 25 by 2025

The government is to reduce the number of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) from 141 today to 25 by 2025, a minister said ...

First lady attends national batik day in Pekalongan

First Lady Ani Yudhoyono will attend a National Batik Day in Pekalongan, Central Java, on Monday. The First Lady ...

Academic commends govt`s decision to reject Greenpeace leader`s visit

A professor of international law of the University of Indonesia (UI), Himahanto Juwana, has commended the ...

RI hoping no country to accept illegally logged wood

Indonesia is hoping no country in the world will buy or sell wood or products made of wood obtained through illegal ...