
Collection of seriously news, found 1.420 news.

RI invited to join Russia-Australia mily exercise

Russia has invited Indonesia to take part in a joint military exercise it is planning to hold with Australia next ...

V Boediono calls on officials, bizmen to abide by rules

Vice President Boediono said the case of former tax official Gayus Tambunan should become an eye opener for all ...

Indonesia calls for Swiss cooperation in Century asset recovery

Indonesia has asked Switzerland to help regain assets connected to Bank Century bailout believed to be kept in a Swiss ...

10 killed, some 20 injured as trains collide in Eastern Germany

Ten people were killed and about 20 others were seriously injured when two trains collided in Saxony-Anhalt, eastern ...

Egyptian President tells government to resign

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Saturday dismissed the country`s government following several days of protests."I ...

Whirlwind strikes two Cilacap villages

A strong whirlwind struck Mulyadadi and Pahonjean villages, Majenang subdistrict, Cilacap regency in Central Java on ...

RI still has good potential to absorb foreign capital

The fundamentals of the Indonesian economy show that the country has the potential to absorb a great deal of foreign ...

Vice President: Food Resilience Threatened by Climate Change

Vice President Boediono has reminded Sumatra farmers that the current climate change, which is difficult to predict, ...

Floods force over thousand East Flores residents to flee

Floods have inundated Waibalun, Larantuka, East Flores District, NTT Province, since Sunday (Jan 16), and forced over ...

23 houses in w Sulawesi destroyed by flash floods

A total of 23 houses in Tampalang village, Tapalang subdistrict, Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi province, had been ...

Parts of Indonesia experience cyclone Vince`s impact

Several parts of Indonesia have experienced the impact of tropical cyclone Vince, although it is predicted to last ...

Whirlwind destroys 50 houses in Kupang

A whirlwind devastated at least 50 houses in Maulafa subdistrict in Kupang city, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on ...

Hundreds of houses in Singkawang submerged in floods

Hundreds of houses in Singkawang had been submerged following continuous and heavy rains on Tuesday and ...

Whirlwind damages 44 Tengger people`s houses

Some 44 Tengger people`s houses in Argosari, Senduro sub-district, Lumajang, were damaged by a whirlwind that hit the ...

Strong wind destroys scores of houses in Sumenep

Strong and rapid winds which hit Sumenep regency in Madura island, East Java province, on Wednesday destroyed scores ...