
Collection of shareholder news, found 276 news.

PT ANUGERAH BERKAH MADANI to issue 3,333,333,000 shares

PT ANUGERAH BERKAH MADANI (hereinafter ABMA Land or Company), an Indonesia's leading property and real estate ...

Coordinating ministry holds meeting on rights issue

The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs held a coordination meeting with relevant ministries on Tuesday to ...

Newmont enters agreement to sell interest in Indonesian assets

- Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE: NEM) (Newmont or the Company) has entered into a binding share sale ...

Group Lease PCL and J Trust join forces, expanding digital finance to Indonesia

SET-listed Group Lease PCL ("GL", SET:GL), the pioneer of Digital Finance in ASEAN, has formed a solid alliance with ...

Aceh-Pertamina sign Seulawah geothermal shareholder`s agreement

Perusahaan Daerah Pembangunan Aceh (PDPA) and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) have signed a Shareholders ...

Luye Medical Group completes acquisition of Australia's Healthe Care, paving the way for Group expansion in Asia

On April 18, 2016, Australia's third largest private healthcare group, Healthe Care, officially became a member of ...

Garuda Indonesia set to achieve its cargo transport target

The Indonesia's flag carrier, Garuda Indonesia, said it is optimistic cargo transport service would contribute 20 ...

Ethiopia takes cue from Indonesia on managing state-owned enterprises

Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Rini Soemarno welcomed her Ethiopian counterpart Demi Tu Hambisa ...

migme signs MOU and raises $6.99m with new strategic shareholder Meitu

- Global digital media company (“migme” or “Company”) is pleased to announce the signing of a ...

MIRAIT Technologies establishes a subsidiary company in Myanmar

- MIRAIT Technologies Corporation (Head office: Nishi-Ku, Osaka, President: Kouichi Takahatake) ...

HSRx Biopharmaceutical and Thorne Research in collaboration for botanical drug development

- HSRx Biopharmaceutical, a leading developer of polyfunctional-powered combination drugs for infectious ...

President Jokowi has taken decision on ministers: Minister Luhut

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has already reached a decision regarding the performance and evaluation of the ...

S&P Capital IQ and SNL unveil new division name: S&P Global Market Intelligence

- S&P Capital IQ and SNL announce that, effective immediately, the new combined entity is rebranding as ...

Diligent to be acquired by Insight Venture Partners for $US 4.90 per share in cash

- Diligent Corporation (NZX:DIL) (“Diligent” or the “Company”), the leading ...

Badak NGL overshoots LNG sales target

PT Badak Natural Gas Liquefaction (Badak NGL) in Bontang, East Kalimantan, overshot its liquefied natural gas (LNG) ...