
Collection of sharp news, found 676 news.

Post-election rioting in Jakarta claims six, 20 provocateurs arrested

Maruf Amin pair had secured 85 million votes, or 55.5 percent of the national vote, as compared to contenders Prabowo ...

Ministry optimistic about industry growth in Q1 2019

Indonesia's industrial sector is expected to grow more aggressively in the second quarter of 2019 compared to the ...

News Feature

Jumping to the rescue of the proboscis monkey

Amalia Rezeki, a lecturer at the Faculty of Biology Education, University of Lambung Mangkurat, was never one for ...

RI need prioritize Venezuelan issue on UNSC emergency meeting's agenda

Indonesia, assuming presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for May, should give due weightage to the ...

Indonesia records trade surplus in February : BPS

Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of US$0.33 billion in February 2019 due to a sharp decline in imports, according to ...

Indonesia records trade surplus in February : BPS

Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of US$0.33 billion in February 2019 due to a sharp decline in imports, according to ...

GDP in agricultural sector increases to almost half of state budget

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman has claimed that the national gross domestic product (GDP) from the ...

Jokowi ready to face second debate: campaigner

Incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is ready to challenge his contender Prabowo Subianto in the second round of ...

News focus - Millennials in quandary over whether to vote or not

A student group self-proclaimed as "I am Millennial Abstainers" (Saya Milenial Golput/SMG), threatening to ...

Awaiting fair duel in Indonesia`s presidential debate

The first round of the Indonesian presidential and vice presidential candidates` official debate took place in Jakarta ...

Government of Jokowi seen to have committed to enforcing human rights

The government of Joko Widodo is considered to have committed to the agenda of advancing, fulfilling and upholding ...

SHARP brings society-changing vision to the world at CES 2019

- Sharp Corporation (TOKYO:6753) has returned to CES 2019 with its first full-scale exhibit in over four years to ...

Special Report

Xinjiang displays evidence of violent attacks in 1992-2015

The Xinjiang Autonomous Authority displayed evidences of attacks and violent clashes in China`s western province ...

Minister to expand export market to improve trade balance

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita affirmed he will expand Indonesia`s export market to improve the trade balance that ...

Optimism amid gloomy global economic condition by Citro Atmoko/A. Saragih

Optimism is strong that the country`s economic condition would continue to improve. The signs were quite obvious from ...