
Collection of ship news, found 2.306 news.

Sail Sabang`s peak ceremony expected to draw 20 thousand people

Some 20 thousand people are expected to attend the peak ceremony of the international maritime event of Sail Sabang to ...

Sail Sabang to have greatest impact on Aceh tourism

The international Sail Sabang event, which will be organized in the waters of Weh Island of Sabang Municipality next ...

Government seeks to increase fisheries exports

The government is trying to decrease the import duty abroad, improve transportation system at home, and expand fishing ...

Asia Pacific Maritime 2018 to address present-day issues and chart new paths

The 15th Asia Pacific Maritime (APM), Southeast Asia's most established maritime, workboat and offshore exhibition and ...

Indonesia superpower country of culture: UNESCO

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has considered Indonesia to be a ...

Indonesia should create new maritime map: Minister

Indonesia currently needs to prepare a new maritime map to overcome legal problems in the maritime field, Coordinating ...

Second guided-missile frigate handed over to Indonesian Navy

The second guided-missile frigate for the Indonesian Navy has been handed over to Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu ...

LAPAN to discuss development of satellite launch station

The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) will discuss further the plan to build a satellite launch station in ...

Australia destroys Indonesian ship over illegal fishing

Australian authorities in Darwin have destroyed an Indonesian fishing vessel caught for fishing illegally in the ...

Indonesia complains about Malaysia`s commitment to fighting drugs

Indonesia has expressed concern over Malaysias inability and lack of commitment to fight narcotic drugs in the ASEAN ...

TNI showcases latest equipment, weaponry

The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) showcased hundreds of main equipment and weapons, including the newest and ...

W Sumatra donates over Rp2 billion for Rohingya

The people and provincial government of West Sumatra have donated more than Rp2 billion for Rohingya refugees, ...

Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation adds new three-phase brushless fan motor controller IC allowing easy switching to multipolar motor

- Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (TDSC) today announced the launch ...

ASEM-TMM discusses concrete transportation projects

Indonesia, which is hosting the 4th Asia Europe Meeting-Transport Ministers Meeting (ASEM-TMM) in Bali, plans to ...

Minister discusses transportation cooperation with Britain, Poland

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi held bilateral meetings with British Consultants and Polish Delegates to ...