
Collection of silver news, found 1.037 news.

Mimika district gov't preparing to buy PT Freeport stake

Five-percent stake in mining giant PT Freeport Indonesia, is bought by the Mimika district, administration deputy ...

RI basketball team placed in same group as Malaysia, Singapore

In a draw conducted here Tuesday, Indonesia`s men`s basketball team for the 26th Sea Games was placed in Group B along ...

Bali bizmen worried about continuing economic slump in Europe

Businessmen in Bali are worried about the absence of improvements in economic conditions in Europe as it might ...

FINE ART ASIA 2011: Asia's Leading International Fine Art and Antiques Fair

-3-7 October 2011, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre     FINE ART ASIA 2011, the only fair ...

Bali expands market to Central and South America

Balinese entrepreneurs and exporters have expanded their wings to Central and South America selling art, handicraft, ...

Freeport will not pay striking workers: CEO

PT Freeport Indonesia management has decided not to pay its workers on strike since September 15, the company`s ...

PT Freeport workers on month-long strike over wage rise

Thousands of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) workers left the mining site of Tembagapura for Timika, Mimika District, ...

Workers` strike causing US$9 mln potential loss daily to Freeport

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Darwin Zahedy Saleh said the ongoing workers strike at PT Freeport was causing ...

Indonesia wins two medals at astronomy olympiad

A team of Indonesian Senior High School (SMA) students won the silver and copper medal in the Fifth International ...

RI athletes win gold, silver at int`l aerobic gym meet

Zakarias Benny Noboba and Claudio Marsello won a gold and a silver medal respectively at the Sixth Heathrow Aerobic ...

Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX) Sets New Record

-        Membership, trading volume, turnover at all time high  ...

Indonesia Dominates Urban SEM Asia 2011

The Indonesian team from the Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ...

"Billions Worth" of treasure found in Indian Temple

A treasure trove of gold and silver jewelry, coins and precious stones said to be worth billions of dollars has been ...

Peru protesters shut airport after deadly clash

Thousands of protesters opposed to mining and energy projects in southern Peru took over a commercial airport on ...

Yogyakarta`s Malioboro Enlivened With Art Festivals

Yogyakarta`s authorities are organizing various art festivals, carnivals, and cultural performances in Malioboro, the ...