
Collection of sites news, found 1.997 news.

ISIS atrocities uncovered in Palmyra

Palmyra, also known as Tadmur in Arabic, is one of the famous historical attractions in Syria. It is surrounded by the ...

Saving Bunaken from garbage pollution

The Bunaken National Marine Park in the Indonesian province of North Sulawesi is renowned worldwide for its innate ...

Increasing tourist visits to Wakatobi

Efforts to start regular flight services connecting major cities in Indonesia to the Wakatobi district will increase ...

Minister urges parents to protect children from pornography

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has urged parents to guard children from pornography that could ...

Thousands of tourists visit Sabang, Aceh

Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists have come to Sabang (Weh island) to enjoy its well known undersea park ...

Three ministers review Jakarta bay reclamation site

Three ministers, in the company of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known as Ahok, reviewed the Jakarta ...

Jakarta bay reclamation to increase coastal area: Minister

Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pujiastuti has opined that the Jakarta Bay reclamation project was not to form ...

australian blogger endorses indonesia`s beautiful tourist sites - (d)

An Australian blogger, Kylie Travers, endorsed Indonesias beautiful tourist sites before thousands of visitors at the ...

Indonesia to lure tourists from UAE

Indonesia is trying to attract foreign tourists from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as it anticipates that tourist ...

HID Global launches mobility initiative in Asia Pacific to transform user experience for a more convenient, trusted and secure digital world

HID Global(R), a worldwide leader in secure identity solutions, has introduced a mobility initiative that includes ...

Imprivata urges hospitals to ditch the pager

- Imprivata® (NYSE: IMPR), the healthcare IT security company, today launched the ...

Ten new tourist destinations planned in Indonesia

Having more than 17,000 small and large islands, Indonesia is known for its amazing natural beauty, which continues to ...

University identifies 17 potential petroleum geoheritage sites in Bojonegoro

The Pembangunan Nasional University, Yogyakarta, has identified 17 potential petroleum geoheritage sites and geoparks ...

Sweden to implement intl project in Palu, C Sulawesi

The administration of Boras city, Sweden will soon implement four international projects which were proposed by the ...

Indonesia developing halal tourism

Indonesia is now intensively promoting the development of halal tourism in an effort to attract tourists from Muslim ...