
Collection of sold news, found 2.028 news.

North Sulawesi exported 13 tons nutmeg to US in June-2019

North Sulawesi Province exported some 13 tons of nutmeg valued at US$62,400 to the United States (US) in early June ...

Attempt to smuggle second clothes from Malaysia foiled

The task force of the Wanara Sakti 643 Mechanical Battalion has foiled an attempt to smuggle in second clothes worth ...

Garuda refutes claim of selling Bandung-Medan ticket for Rp21 million

Garuda Indonesia has dismissed a report of it having sold the ticket for the Bandung-Medan flight route at Rp21 ...

News Focus

Padang residents eagerly await hunting for "Pabukoan"

One of the activities that the residents of Padang, West Sumatra, long await during Ramadhan is hunting for an array of ...

Bulog ensures rice stocks safe, sufficient before Eid al-Fitr

The state logistics board (Bulog) has made assurance of the stocks of rice and various other basic commodities are safe ...

News Focus

Global rice market sensitivity be accorded to right domestic policy

The fact that the trade of rice commodities among nations is merely five percent of the global rice production traded ...

PVH Corp. names Stefan Larsson to newly created role of president

- PVH Corp. [NYSE:PVH], one of the world’s largest apparel companies and owner of iconic brands, including CALVIN ...

HPM witnesses 43 percent hike in domestic sales in April

PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) recorded a 43 percent surge in its domestic sales, reaching 11,631 units in April, from ...

Police in Malaysia detain other Indonesian, Malaysian terror suspects

The Malaysian police apprehended an Indonesian and two Malaysians for their alleged involvement in a terrorist network ...

Q3 Medical Devices Limited enters into a distribution agreement with Medtronic for its biodegradable biliary and pancreatic stent

- Q3 Medical Devices Limited (“Q3 Medical”) based in Dublin, Ireland, announced today that it has entered into a ...

Government needs roadmap for national food

The Indonesian government needs to adopt a roadmap for the national development of the food sector in line with the ...

Central Sulawesi to cultivate garlic to meet local demand

The Central Sulawesi provincial government, through the Food Crops and Horticulture Office in the area, will cultivate ...

News Feature

Fresh water Nira emerges popular choice to break Ramadhan fast

The sweet taste, unique aroma, and freshness of Nira water, with its innate characteristic freshness, extracted from ...

Corona and Parley for the Oceans partner with Stephanie Gilmore, Gabriel Medina and artists to support the ban of single-use plastic in Bali and provide households with reusable alternatives

- It is estimated that roughly 5 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year1 with as many as 10 million ...

Trade ministry inspects basic commodities in Manokwari

The Trade Ministry authorities held a sudden inspection of basic necessities in Manokwari District, West Papua, ...