
Collection of spirit news, found 3.057 news.

National Sports Day: Papua running event draws 950 participants

At least 950 people are participating in a running competition held to celebrate the 39th National Sports Day in the ...

National Sports Day commemoration to involve 20,000 people

As many as 20 thousand people and sports stakeholders are projected to attend the 2022 National Sports Day (Haornas) ...

G20 Indonesia

Encouraging multilateralism cooperation to address environmental issue

Dozens of ministers for the environment and climate of G20 member countries held an important meeting in Nusa Dua, ...

KSP welcomes cooperation opportunity between government and ICRC

Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani welcomed the opportunity for cooperation in ...

G20 Indonesia

Committed to revamping education sector through gotong royong

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry has committed to revamping the education sector through the ...

Ministry encouraging tuberculosis control acceleration

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture is pushing the acceleration of tuberculosis (TB) control ...

G20 Indonesia

RI pushes to apply multilateralism in handling environmental issues

Indonesia encouraged the need to apply a multilateral approach to confront various global environmental issues that ...

President plays football with talents of Papua Football Academy

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) played football with the talents of the Papua Football Academy (PFA) after launching the ...

G20 Indonesia

SAI20, P20 collaboration can expedite economic recovery: BPK

The Indonesian State Audit Board (BPK) has said that Parliament 20 (P20) and Supreme Audit Institutions G20 (SAI20) ...

Iconic Hong Kong Peak Tram ascends the Peak again after makeover

The Peak Tram, Asia’s oldest funicular railway and a must-visit attraction in Hong Kong, will take visitors on a ...

LKPP committed to optimizing domestic products in IKN development

The National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) is committed to accommodating and optimizing domestic products and ...

BI launches Domestic Government Credit Card

Bank Indonesia (BI) launched the Domestic Government Credit Card (KKP Domestik), which will initially be carried out ...

Regions must again bolster vaccination education: task force

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has urged regional governments to once again bolster efforts to educate people about ...

Committed to implementing five anti-terror measures: BNPT

The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) has said that it is committed to implementing five transformative measures ...

Aurum Group Indonesia Supports Lumajang's Economic Recovery through Rebuilding the Kajar Kuning Bridge Post-Eruption of the Mount Semeru and Strengthening MSMEs with the PKK Driving Force Team

The dynamics of accelerating economic recovery during the Covid-19 pandemic differ in its development from one region ...