
Collection of split news, found 319 news.

Enapter is taking green hydrogen electrolysis to the next level - with the new Electrolyser “EL 2.0”

- Enapter today revealed its new generation of green hydrogen electrolysers, the EL 2.0. Electrolysers split water into ...

Brands from Indonesia win at the 2018 World Branding Awards at Kensington Palace

- The prestigious World Branding Awards, the ultimate global brand recognition accolade, saw 270 brands from 33 ...

Vice president, leaders of Islamic Organizations convey statements following flag burning

Deputy President M Jusuf Kalla, along with leaders of mass organizations, delivered a joint statement at the Office of ...

Government provides Rp14.31 trillion in village funds for frontier areas

The government has distributed Rp14.31 trillion in village funds for outer and frontier areas, the Village and ...

Difference in political preference must not split the nation: Jimly

Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) Jimly Asshiddiqe asks all Indonesians to remain ...

Southeast Asian countries need larger share to have greater say in IMF

Developing southeast Asian countries should have larger share in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to give them ...

Business leaders dismiss suggestion of Rupiah free fall

Director of APINDO Research Institute Agung Pambudi said the business people were optimistic that there would not be ...

Plastics make up 37 percent of garbage polluting Indonesian seas

Around 37 percent of 1.2 million tons of garbage polluting Indonesian seas are plastics, which could not easily be ...

News focus - Audit needed to end rice import polemic By Andi Abdussalam

The polemic on whether Indonesia needs to import rice once again surfaces in public discourses, prompting the ...

Rice imports based on detailed analysis and studies: lawmaker

A lawmaker said the decision on rice import, which has triggered controversy, was based on detailed analysis and study ...

Bio bridge initiative feared to be abandoned on PLTA project

The initiative to develop bio bridges for the habitats of Orang utans, Pongo tapanuliensis,in Tapanuli Selatan, North ...

VP urges Pertamina to increase domestic investment

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has called on state-run oil firm PT Pertamina to boost its domestic investment by ...

Indonesia congratulates Australia on new prime minister

The government of Indonesia congratulated Scott Morrison on his being elected the new Australian prime minister, ...

Special report - Asian Games to revive Indonesia`s can-do spirit

"Sport revolution for the nation`s fame. Sports are part of the nation`s multi-complex revolution," said the ...

Government highlights efforts to alleviate Pertamina`s burden

The government, through the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry, elaborated on the efforts it made to ...