#staple goods

Collection of staple goods news, found 175 news.

Lampung's fuel cash assistance beneficiary families up by 100,211

State-owned postal company PT Pos Indonesia-Bandarlampung Main Office stated that the number of beneficiary families of ...

Jakarta gov't offers subsidized food packages for low-income people

The provincial government of Jakarta is providing subsidized food packages at an affordable price for as many as 1.1 ...

Central Kalimantan gov't readies 30 thousand affordable food packages

The government of Central Kalimantan readied as many as 30 thousand affordable food packages for the Low-priced Market ...

News Focus

Sugarcane land expansion to attain self-sufficiency in sugar

Sugar is among Indonesia's nine staple goods (sembako), with continually increasing consumption levels for both ...

Indonesia focusing on domestic food availability: minister

Indonesia is currently focusing on domestic food availability considering that 24 countries have banned food exports, ...

Jokowi distributes social assistance at Baros Market

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited Baros Market in Serang, Banten, on Friday to hand out social assistance to ...

Agriculture minister ensures beef supply safe ahead of Eid al-Adha

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has ensured that the beef supply is safe to meet the community's needs ...

KSP attributes increased public consumption to government's efforts

The government's efforts increased household consumption that also boosted strong economic growth in the first ...

Gov't begins to distribute bulk cooking oil at Rp14,000 per liter

The government has begun to distribute bulk cooking oil at Rp14,000 per liter through a pilot project that targets 5 ...

Sea toll facilitates equitable sugar distribution in NTT: Ministry

The sea toll is the key to the distribution of granulated sugar and bulk cooking oil from Belawan, North Sumatra, to ...

BPN readies frozen meat as price of fresh meat soars

- a part of the state-run food holding ID FOOD. The agency head said that direct monitoring of meat prices should be ...

Lampung: Ministry holds farmers' market to ensure price stability

The Ministry of Agriculture held a farmers' market (Pasar Tani) event in Bandarlampung, Lampung, on Wednesday to ...

SOE minister provides 40 thousand staple food packages in Jabodetabek

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir prepared as many as 40 thousand food packages for the low-cost ...

Won't hesitate to probe anyone involved in cooking oil case: AGO

Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin has said that he will not hesitate to legally process anybody, including ...

BI to adopt more cautious stance in policing price stability

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo confirmed that BI would be more careful in considering policies to maintain ...