Former South African president Thabo Mbeki said on Saturday he was confident his predecessor Nelson Mandela`s health ...
Despite Israeli air attacks on Gaza, the Medical Emergency Rescue-Committee (MER-C) volunteers from Indonesia are ...
Around 28 Indonesian activists who took part in the construction of the Indonesian Hospital at the Gaza Strip, ...
Retired lieutenant general Prabowo Subiantoro, a former vice presidential candidate, visited some of his seniors to ...
Law and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar said former Democrat Party (PD) treasurer M Nazaruddin had often ...
An adult wild elephant that blocked a street in Balai Raja vilage, Mandau subdistrict, Bengkalis district, Riau ...
A wild elephant and its two babies blocked a street in Cendana housing complex in Balai Raja vilage, Mandau ...
A flood triggered by incessant heavy rains on Sunday (March 6), inundated hundreds of houses at Brang Kolong village, ...
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state ...
Tens of houses were flooded at Pasa Durian Manggopoh, Lubuk Basung sub district, Agam District, West Sumatra, ...
Flash floods triggered by heavy rains since Friday (Feb. 25), have hit seven villages in Teunom sub districts, Aceh ...