
Collection of street news, found 2.206 news.

News Focus

Fallen warrior laid to rest, fight to restore Papua peace continues

The recent ambush by Papuan rebels in Dambet village, Beoga sub-district, Puncak district, which led to the death of ...

Nine armed Papuan separatist terrorists killed in gunfight: police

Papua Office Maj. Gen. I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha in Dambet Village, Beoga Sub-district. Related news: Five dead ...

Fallen Brimob officer's coffin airlifted from Papua to Palembang

The coffin of a Mobile Brigade (Brimob) officer, who lost his life in the line of duty in Papua, was flown from Timika ...

Flight services restarted at Aminggaru Airport in Papua's Ilaga

The Aminggaru Airport authority in Ilaga, Puncak District, Papua Province, has fully recommenced flight services on ...

Indonesia's fallen agent laid to rest at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery

Papua Office was transported from Timika in Mimika District, Papua Province, and arrived at the Soekarno Hatta ...

President Widodo grieves over agent's death in Papua gunfight

President Joko Widodo condoled the death of Brig. Gen. I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha, Indonesia's top agent in ...

Agent's death not retreat fight against armed terrorists in Papua: BIN

Intelligence officers and security personnel will never retreat from fighting armed separatist and terrorist groups ...

Papua provincial government condoles top agent's death in gunfight

Papua Office will be transported to Jakarta for a military funeral at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery on Tuesday. Speaking ...

Fallen top agent's coffin flown to Timika on Monday: Military

Papua Office, would be transported to Jakarta for a military funeral at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery on ...

Indonesia's top agent in Papua dies of gunshot wounds

Papua Office Brig. Gen. Putu IGP Dani NK died of gunshot wounds in Dambet Village, Beoga Sub-district, Puncak District, ...

Hundreds of people flee their flooded homes in Riau

Hundreds of people fled their homes after flood hit Pekanbaru city, Rokan Hulu and Indragiri Hulu districts in Riau ...

News Focus

Security personnel challenged to secure Papua's PON National Games

Papua Province braces for the convening of PON National Games in October this year in the midst of security threats ...

One held for illegal weapons trade in Malang, East Java

Indonesian Police’s anti-terror squad, Densus 88, has arrested one man suspected of selling illegally-made ...

Foreign refugees hold rally seeking citizenship status clarification

Dozens of foreign refugees staged a rally on Merdeka Selatan Street in Central Jakarta on Wednesday in pursuit of the ...

Muslim journalists from US share Ramadhan experiences

Several Muslim journalists residing in the United States came together online to share their experiences and relate how ...