
Collection of sungai news, found 424 news.

Ministry releases West Kalimantan's 6,901 ha of protected forest area

The Environmental Affairs and Forestry (LHK) Ministry officially issued a decree (SK) on releasing 6,901 hectares of ...

58 percent of Riau's 62 COVID-19 infected health workers recover

Some 58 percent of the 62 health workers that had contracted the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Riau Province since ...

Flooding forced 605 Samarinda residents to evacuate

Floods submerged several parts of Samarinda, the capital of East Kalimantan Province, in the past three days, ...

A carrion flower blooms at LIPI's Cibodas Botanical Garden

An Amorphophallus titanum, or carrion flower, has bloomed at Cibodas Botanical Garden managed by the Indonesian ...

Flood sweeps through six villages in Jambi

A flood triggered by heavy rains swept through six villages in Batanghari District, Jambi Province, after Batanghari ...

Surplus rice production predicted in South Kalimantan

South Kalimantan Province is expected to record up to 160,000 tons of surplus rice in August, 2020, so residents need ...

Tebo police apprehend eight illegal gold miners in Jambi

The police in Tebo District, Jambi, arrested eight illegal gold miners in Sungai Sri Village, Tebo Ilir Sub-district, ...

Indonesian police foil attempt to smuggle 17 people to Malaysia

Police in Riau Province thwarted an attempt by a transnational human trafficking syndicate to smuggle 15 Indonesian and ...

Two motorists bear brunt of Manokwari's landslide

A landslide that buried Pahlawan Road of Manokwari, the capital of West Papua Province, on Monday, uprooted several ...

VP hopes regional elections do not disunite people

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin hopes for the 2020 concurrent regional elections to not lead to disunity and conflict ...

Bawaslu identifies 24 regions susceptible to election conflicts

Indonesia's General Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) released the Regional Elections Vulnerability Index (IKP) ...

West Papuans should watch out for natural disasters

The West Papua Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) urged residents and authorities to remain vigilant about flash floods ...

BKSDA-IAR rescue two orangutans in Ketapang

The West Kalimantan Natural Conservation Agency (BKSDA) and the International Animal Rescue (IAR) Indonesia rescued two ...

Fire conflagrates 24 homes in North Sumatra

Fire raged through 24 homes in Simarlelan Village, Muara Batang Toru Sub-district, South Tapanuli District, North ...

News Feature

Banjarese cuisine, dishes that are worth relishing

Savoring the local delicacy is imperative while visiting a city or region, particularly in Indonesia, which offers ...