Indonesia has started evacuating its citizens in Syria due to the current political crisis in the Middle Eastern ...
Japan has told the Syrian ambassador in Tokyo to leave the country, the foreign ministry said Wednesday, as ...
A total of 98 people, including 61 civilians, were killed in violence in Syria on Tuesday, as clashes raged between ...
Herve Ladsous, the UN under- secretary-general for peacekeeping operations, on Tuesday described the recent situation ...
The success of Kofi Annan`s six-point peace plan depends on "the end of terrorism," Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ...
Seven Western governments expelled Syrian diplomats from their capitals on Tuesday in a coordinated action ...
Peace envoy Kofi Annan expressed "grave concern" to Syria`s President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday and Western nations ...
President Barack Obama called the treatment decades ago of returning Vietnam War veterans a "national shame" on Monday ...
The United Nations, not Syria, must investigate the Houla massacre, Human Rights Watch said adding that witness ...
Iran Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast condemned the latest terrorist attacks on the civilians in the ...
At least three Lebanese Shi`ite pilgrims were killed and seven wounded on Wednesday when a roadside bomb exploded near ...
NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Sunday voiced concern about violence in Syria, but said the alliance has "no ...
US President Barack Obama said Saturday that the G8 -- which includes Russia -- agreed that the political process in ...
The Indonesian warship KRI Hasanuddin-366 will be on a mission to Lebanon waters for six months as Maritime Task Force ...
The United States and its allies have started in Jordan what was described as the largest military exercises in the ...