
Collection of syria news, found 1.271 news.

All Indonesian workers to be repatriated from Syria

Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Muhaimin Iskandar has called for the repatriation of all Indonesian migrant ...

Indonesia train Palestinians in construction work

Five Palestinians are currently participating in a construction and water search training course organized by the ...

UN Security Council threatens Yemen sanctions

The UN Security Council on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution threatening sanctions against groups seen ...

Govt warns against travel to Syria

The Indonesian government through its foreign ministry has issued a travel advisory for its citizens wishing to travel ...

Denying Iran a role in Syria meet `thoughtless`: Russia

Russia -- which is pushing for a conference on the Syria crisis to include Iran, despite US protests -- said Saturday ...

RI embassy in Syria preparinging to repatriate 103 citizens

The Indonesian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, is now housing 103 Indonesian citizens who are to be repatriated, an ...

Govt continues returning workers in Syria

The government has continued making efforts to return its citizens in Syria due to worsening security conditions in ...

At least 55 killed in new Syria massacre

At least 55 people, mostly from the same family, have been killed in a new massacre in Syria, the head of a watchdog ...

Syrian troops clash with armed groups

Syrian troops clashed on Tuesday with armed rebels in a number of areas across the country, a day after a rebels' ...

Political solution to Syrian crisis at critical stage

Chinese UN Ambassador Li Baodong, who holds the rotating Security Council presidency in June, told reporters here on ...

Ex Gontor students reluctant to return home from Syria

Eleven alumni of Darussalam Islamic Studies Institute in Gontor, Ponorogo, East Java, prefer to stay in Syria`s ...

Troops, rebels clash near Damascus, Aleppo: NGO

Syrian troops and rebels clashed on Sunday in the countryside of Damascus province and near the northern city of ...

Syrian employers reluctant to return Indonesian migrant workers

The Indonesian Ambassador to Syria, Wahib Abdul Jawad, said that many Syrian employers are reluctant to send ...

Indonesian embassy`s driver shot dead in Damascus

A driver of the Indonesian embassy, Abdul Rojak Harbi - a Syrian national - was shot dead in Damascus while he was ...

Military action in Syria would need UN backing

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday that any military action in Syria would need backing from the United ...