#tangerang city

Collection of tangerang city news, found 261 news.

Police handling sexual harassment report on foreign soccer player

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have received a report of suspected sexual harassment experienced by a Lion Air ...

Flood submerges over 1,000 houses in Tangerang

A flood triggered by the overflowing of the Cirarap and Sabi Rivers, tributaries of the Cisadane River, has submerged ...

Third party invited to overcome trash problem in Tangerang

Tangerang Selatan (South Tangerang) city administration in Banten province has invited a third party to help overcome ...

CCTV cameras used to monitor Lebaran exoduses

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras have been placed at a great number of strategic locations for the security ...

RI needs millions of blood pouches per year

Following an increase in Indonesian population growth, demand of the country`s blood in 2014 is predicted to rise to ...

Tangerang still lacking 1,000 blood bags per month

Tangerang city`s Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in Banten province still underwent a shortage of 1,000 blood bags per ...