#terror attacks

Collection of terror attacks news, found 196 news.

Indonesia tightens security measures following Brussels attacks

The recent terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium, have prompted the Indonesian government to tighten security ...

Bali process member countries must unite to fight terrorism: Marsudi

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi has called on all Bali Process member countries to unite in the ...

OIC summit important to save Palestine: MP

An Indonesian Member of Parliament said the upcoming 5th Extraordinary Summit of the Organization of Islamic ...

Police arrest alleged terrorists linked to Thamrin bombing

The police have arrested two suspected terrorists in Cilacap, Central Java, and Malang, East Java, respectively, ...

Indonesia Beefs Up Security Measures Ahead of OIC Summit

The Indonesian authorities have beefed up security measures in Jakarta and surrounding areas for an Extraordinary ...

Australian travel advisory is not new: BIN

The Australian governments travel advisory related to the terror threat issued to its citizens who were or had planned ...

RI authorities say country safe in wake of terror threat

The Indonesian authorities reiterated on Thursday that the country is secure despite recent warnings issued by ...

Indonesia condemns terror attacks in Ankara, Turkey

The government of Indonesia has condemned the terror attack in Merasim Sokak, Ankara, Turkey, on Wednesday, which ...

Police face difficulties in capturing Santoso owing to geographical factors

The National Police faced certain difficulties in nabbing the countrys most wanted terrorist Abu Wardah, alias ...

Special prison for terrorists will not solve the problem: Jusuf Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has emphasized that building special prisons for terrorists would not solve the problem of ...

Police intensifying manhunt for radical group in Poso

The National Police are stepping up cooperation with the Indonesian Military in the manhunt for the East Indonesia ...

Police assure Santoso-led terrorist group receives ISIS fund

The Central Sulawesi Provincial Police gave the assurance on Thursday that the Santoso-led terrorist group in Poso, ...

Revision of law on terrorism necessary

The discourse on the revision of law on terrorism is deemed necessary to prevent acts of terror and to find a solution ...

Fall in oil prices will lend momentum to industrial development: KEIN

The National Industry and Economic Committee (KEIN) believes that the decline in the oil prices will lend a momentum ...

Nine victims of terror attack remain in hospital

Nine victims of last weeks terror attacks on a police station and Starbucks Coffee shop near Sarinah Department store ...