
Collection of terror news, found 1.659 news.

Indonesia, Russia explore cooperation in cyber security

Indonesia and Russia explored cooperation in the field of security, in particular to prevent cyber crimes that ...

Indonesia ready to secure Saudi King`s visit

The Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the Jakarta as well as the Bali regional police have prepared a strong team ...

Minister reports revision of terrorism law to president

Law and Human Rights Minister Yassonna H. Laoly has reported the progress in the revision of the Terrorism Law to ...

Keep moving to combat terorrism

Indonesia is combating terrorism consistently and simultaneously, both domestically and internationally, to create ...

Trump`s immigrant policy not related to religion: US ambassador

US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph R. Donovan affirmed that the US President Donald Trumps immigrant policy was not ...

Three terror suspects arrested in C Java

The National Polices Counter-terrorism Squad, Densus 88, arrested three terror suspects in three different districts ...

Trump`s immigrant policy to increase mistrust against Muslims: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that the United States President Donald Trumps immigrant policy could increase ...

UN condemns mosque shooting in Quebec, Canada

The United Nations on Monday condemned the terror attack on a mosque in Quebec, Canada, in which six people were ...

Tens of thousands in US cities protest Trump immigration order

Tens of thousands of people rallied in US cities and at airports on Sunday to voice outrage over President Donald ...

Former finance ministry official grilled over ISIS

Indonesian anti-terror police unit Densus 88 is investigating a former finance ministry official and his family ...

Trump admin makes defeating Islamic terrorism top foreign policy goal

The Trump administration will make defeating "radical Islamic terror groups" its top foreign policy goal, according to ...

Police investigating alleged ISIS-linked flows of funds

The Indonesian National Police (Polri) is investigating the alleged fund transfers made by ISIS activist Bahrun Naim ...

Saudi Arabian envoy lauds Indonesia`s de-radicalization program

Osama Muhammad Alshoiby, the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Indonesia, has lauded the de-radicalization program being ...

Iraqi forces close in on Tigris in ISIS stronghold Mosul

Iraqi special forces closed in on the Tigris river that runs through central Mosul on Saturday (Jan. 7), advancing in ...

Turkey dismisses 8.000 in ongoing post-coup purge

More than 8,000 people in Turkish military, police and other public institutions have been dismissed over their ...