
Collection of terror news, found 1.659 news.

Six locally-assembled bombs found during search in S Tangerang

Police confirmed on Thursday it has found six locally-assembled bombs during a search of a house that four suspected ...

Indonesia denounces truck attack in Berlin

The Indonesian government has strongly denounced the deadly truck attack on a crowd at a Berlin Christmas market on ...

Densus 88 arrests more suspected terrorists in four regions

Indonesian polices anti-terrorist unit Densus 88 arrested another suspect in Batam, Riau province, on Wednesday after ...

Bomb discovery in South Tangerang follows Bekasi case investigation

Indonesia Police chief General Tito Karnavian has said the police raid at a rented house in Setu, South Tangerang, was ...

Police arrest terror suspect in Payakumbuh, W. Sumatra

The Indonesia National Police counterterrorism special detachment (Densus) 88 arrested a terror suspect on Wednesday ...

Counter-terrorism squad shoots dead three terror suspects in Tangerang

Indonesias counterterrorism squad Densus 88 shot dead three terror suspects and detained one during a raid in Babakan ...

Police arrest 14 members of MNS` suspected terrorist network

In the past few days, Indonesias police anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 has arrested 14 suspected terrorists linked to ...

Anti-terror squad arrests couple linked to Jakarta bomb plot

The Indonesian Polices anti-terror squad arrested a suspected terrorist couple, known by their initials as TS alias UA ...

No Indonesian victims in Cairo bomb blast

The Indonesian Embassy in Cairo has confirmed that no Indonesians were victims of the December 11 bomb blast at a ...

Indonesia condemns terror attack on Egyptian church

The government of Indonesia has strongly condemned the terror attack on the Egyptian Coptic Church in Cairo on Sunday ...

Turkish police detain dozens of pro-Kurdish party officials

Turkish police have detained 45 provincial officials from the pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) over ...

Twin bombing outside Istanbul soccer stadium kills 15, wound dozens

Two explosions, one thought to have been a suicide bomb, killed at least 15 people outside a soccer stadium in ...

Indonesian special anti-terror detachment arrests another terrorist suspect

A team from polices anti-terrorist squad, Special Detachments 88 (Densus 88), has arrested a suspected terrorist, ...

Statement on treason addressed to intruders: Police chief

National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian said he referred to intruders in his statement regarding acts of treason ...

lBast kills two at governor`s office in southern Turkish city

An explosion killed two people and wounded more than a dozen outside the governors office in the southern Turkish city ...