Indonesia and China have agreed to cooperate to fight terrorist activities committed through the Internet, as a follow ...
Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch sought to backtrack Wednesday from a Twitter storm stemming from comments about Muslims ...
Washington has acquired an unlikely ally in its battle against Islamic State militants in Iraq - a group of fighters ...
As news reports of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)s cruelty, such as beheadings and crucifixions, have been ...
The Indonesian people are being alerted over the infiltration of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)s ideology, ...
China has sentenced nine people to death on terrorism-related charges in its ethnically divided western region of ...
Upon an invitation from the Iranian Foreign Ministry, a Syrian-Iranian-Swiss meeting was held in Tehran on Tuesday to ...
Head of the National Counter-terrorism Agency (BNPT) Ansyaad Mbai warned the people on Thursday, of terror threats ...
Indonesias Anti-Terror Squad, Densus 88, has taken three terror suspects into custody in the past week, two of which ...
Al-Qaeda and other hostile groups have repeatedly sought to infiltrate US intelligence agencies, which are ...
The government of Syria on Wednesday asked the world body to investigate three alleged chemical attacks carried out by ...
The Indonesian National Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Marciano Norman has said there are strong indications that the ...
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah on Saturday vowed "victory" in Syria, where militants of his powerful Lebanese Shiite ...
Up to 11,200 troops could be needed for a UN peacekeeping mission in Mali but a "parallel" military force will have to ...
Several hundred Islamists have been killed in airstrikes and direct combat in Mali since France launched an offensive ...