#the afghanistan

Collection of the afghanistan news, found 1.147 news.

Amendment to 1945 Constitution comes under MPR's authority: Minister

The People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) rather than the government has the authority to amend the 1945 ...


What's happening in Afghanistan right now?

The international media lately reported the success of the Taliban militia group in taking over Afghanistan that ...

PLTBg power plant using palm oil liquid waste to generate electricity

State-run PT Pertamina through its sub-holding Pertamina NRE and state-run plantation PT Perkebunan Nusantara III are ...

AF pilot shares challenges faced in Afghanistan evacuation mission

Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) pilots and crew faced some challenges while evacuating Indonesian citizens (WNI) from ...

Air Force's successful evacuation of Indonesians should be emulated

The Air Force's success in evacuating Indonesians from Afghanistan should be emulated by other members of the ...

Including foreigners in evacuation mission humanitarian obligation: FM

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi has said that including foreign citizens in the evacuation mission is ...

Expert urges Indonesians to not become divided over Afghan conflict

International Law expert from the University of Indonesia (UI) Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana appealed to all Indonesians to ...

DPR member lauds successful evacuation of Indonesians from Afghanistan

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives' (DPR RI's) Commission I Christina Ariani praised the swift ...

Prof Juwana suggests Indonesia to mediate Afghan conflict if requested

Indonesia could facilitate peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban if requested, according to the ...

Pandemic impels hospitals to improve quality of health services: VP

The COVID-19 pandemic has impelled several health facilities, including hospitals, to improve their quality of health ...

Indonesia optimistic of peace, stability in Afghanistan: Retno Marsudi

Indonesia remains optimistic of peace and stability being restored in Afghanistan after its security situation ...

Reduction in PCR price supports national economic recovery: researcher

Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) researcher Andree Surianta opined that reducing the price of PCR tests will ...

Increase women's participation in election committees: UI expert

Women's participation in electoral organisers should increase to ensure gender equality and better election ...

E-voting regulation should secure voters' data on 2024 election

Indonesian Cyber Research of Communication and Information System Security Research Center (CISSReC) Chairman Pratama ...

Air Force plane brings dozens of Indonesians home from Afghanistan

An Indonesian Air Force plane, carrying aboard Indonesia's citizens from Afghanistan, landed at the Halim ...