#the education and teachers association

Collection of the education and teachers association news, found 5 news.

Teachers urge govt not to use education budget for free lunch program

Teachers' association P2G has urged the government not to use education budgets, including the School Operational ...

Ending calistung tests for elementary school admissions

SD Transition” at the end of March 2023. The tests have been removed from elementary school admission ...

P2G seeks President's help to resolve PPPK teacher selection issues

The Education and Teachers Association (P2G) has asked President Joko Widodo to help resolve issues related to the ...

Merdeka Curriculum can help meet human resources' future needs

The Merdeka (Independent) Curriculum can contribute to meeting the needs of human resources in future when scientific ...

Govt must evaluate 100% face-to-face learning: P2G

The Education and Teachers Association (P2G) has urged the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry to ...