#the global warming

Collection of the global warming news, found 352 news.

Indonesia, Timor Leste to jointly manage catchment areas

Indonesia and Timor Leste have agreed to cooperate in the management of catchment areas (DAS) along the two countries ...

KILLER AIR: Berkeley Earth Publishes Study on Air Pollution in China

- Berkeley Earth published today a paper showing that air pollution kills an average of 4000 people every day in ...

Pentagon sees climate change as national security risk

The Pentagon had regarded climate change as a security risk for the United States and were integrating possible ...

A Cure for Global Warming plus Drought Relief

- In Patent # 8,673,619, TheOxygenFactory.net outlines the renewable energy process which transforms CO2 to ...

China says climate change threatens major projects

Climate change threatens some of Chinas most important infrastructure projects, Chinas top meteorologist warned in a ...

Environmental degradation triggers drought: Walhi

The Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi) of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) explained that drought occurs almost ...

Yudhoyono`s call for mangrove protection goes unheard

President Yudhoyonos repeated calls for protecting mangroves in Indonesia seem to have fallen on deaf ears as their ...

Holes dug to cope with threat of flooding

The Living Environment Board (BLH) of the regency of Barito Utara, Central Kalimantan plans to dig 120 holes to cope ...

Six multilateral banks increase climate mitigation support

Six multilateral banks have agreed to increase their support for climate change adaptation and mitigation by ...

Papua needs more forest rangers

Indonesias easternmost province of Papua is in need of more rangers to protect the forests from damage and illegal ...

Global warming affect most of Indonesian area: Forestry minister

Indonesia is considered as one of the developing countries that is worst affected by global warming, because Indonesia ...

Government Working Out Roadmap for Seaweed Development

Indonesia, the worlds third largest seaweed supplier, is working out a roadmap for integrated development of ...

Coral reefs as sustainer of food security

Coral reefs, the major topic of discussion in the World Coral Reef Conference (WCRC) in Manado, on May 14-16, 2014, ...

Racing against time to save Riau`s biosphere reserve from fires

Sumatras Riau Province is badly hit by forest and plantations fires, and the largest number of the hotspots detected ...

Indonesian govt supports development of palm oil industry

The government completely supports the development of the palm oil industry in the country, Secretary General of the ...