#the investment coordinating board

Collection of the investment coordinating board news, found 1.014 news.

President Yudhoyono focuses on running administration until October 2014

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has stated that he still focuses on running the administration until October 2014, ...

Australia to assist livestock development in Indonesia

Australia will likely provide Au$60 million or about Rp640 billion to assist in the development of the livestock ...

Pactera Forms APAC IT Services Joint Venture with Jatis Group

- Pactera Technology International Ltd. (NASDAQ: PACT), a global consulting and technology services provider ...

MP hails appointment of Luthfi as trade minister

A chief parliament member hailed President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonos decision to appoint Muhammad Luthfi as the new ...

New trade minister called to stabilize prices

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono urged the new trade minister to give top priority to stabilize the domestic food ...

Muhammad Luthfi appointed as new trade minister

Former Indonesian Ambassador to Japan Muhammad Luthfi is appointed as new Trade Minister, replacing Gita Wirjawan who ...

Global economic woes will not affect domestic investment: Siregar

The domestic investment climate remains conducive despite global economic woes, stated Head of the Investment ...

Four new business areas open for foreign investment

Four new business areas will be open to foreign investment following the revision of the presidential regulation on ...

Indonesia to ban mineral ore exports

Indonesia plans to ban exports of raw minerals early next year and develop smelters of its own to increase the ...

President to officially open palm oil conference in Bandung

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will officially open the ninth Indonesian Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) in Bandung, ...

Indonesia hopes to increase investment and trade with Netherlands

Indonesia expects to increase investment and trade with the Netherlands, the countrys chief economic minister, Hatta ...

Indonesia is the Main Investment Destination of PRC Investors

Indonesia has become the main investment destination of investors from People's Republic of China (PRC) for the period ...

Indonesia`s forex recorded at US$97 billion

The Indonesian central bank (Bank Indonesia/BI) has announced that the countrys foreign exchange reserves last October ...

Indonesia Remains a Major Investment Destination

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) reported that total investments had jumped 23 percent year-on-year to top Rp ...

Indonesia's Expanded Infrastructure Capacity Discussed at Indonesia Investment Forum (IIF) Hong Kong on November 7

As home of the world's 16th largest economy, Indonesia is duly aware of the importance of an expanded infrastructure ...