#the national commission on human rights

Collection of the national commission on human rights news, found 281 news.

FM Marty receives Myanmar human rights delegation

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty M. Natalegawa received Chief of Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHCR) U ...

Komnas HAM wants government action to stop Aceh violence

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas Ham) is seeking action by the government to put an end to repeated ...

Kontras urges president to settle past rights cases

The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to ...

Govt failed to manage food production, distribution : Rights commission

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) said the government has failed to manage national food production ...

Legal and Human Rights Minister sued by corrupter to Komnas HAM

Minister of Legal and Human Rights Affairs Amir Syamsudin has been sued by corrupter Hasan Basri to the National ...

Police violate human rights the most in 2011 : Komnas-HAM

The police as an institution have violated human rights the most during the 2011 period, according to the National ...

Two teenagers` death in police custody reported to rights body

The family of two teenage youths who died in the bathroom of a police precinct in Sijunjung, West Sumatra, have ...

President Yudhoyono names lawyer as advisor

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has named senior lawyer Albert Hasibuan as a member of the presidential advisory ...

Democratization process in Myanmar cannot be forced

It is not possible to force the democratization process in Myanmar and therefore Indonesia will only make phased ...

Police violated procedures in Bima clash : Komnas HAM

The police violated standing operation procedures in dealing with last December 24`s people`s protest at Sape port in ...

Police deny 30 died in Mesuji clashes

National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo has denied that 30 people had died in clashes with the police in Mesuji ...

Rights development must be balanced with welfare improvement

Vice President Boediono said respect or enforcement of human rights must go hand in hand with improvement of the ...

RI suggests ASEAN countries to form human rights institutions

The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) suggested that all ASEAN member countries establish ...

No sweeps against Papuan students

Chief security minister Djoko Suyanto denied there had been a sweep against Papuan students conducted by the TNI ...

Police admit misconduct in dealing with recent Papua congress

The police have admitted that some of their personnel had acted out of line in dealing with participants of the Third ...