#the quran

Collection of the quran news, found 296 news.

Aceh's school buses to ply students with special needs: official

The Aceh Educational Service will provide shuttle school buses for students with special needs (PDBK) in the Aceh ...

Armed Forces Alumni of 1989 expedites vaccinations in Banten

The Indonesian Armed Forces Academy Alumni of the Class of 1989 hosted a mass COVID-19 vaccination program and ...

News Focus

Police praised for prompt handling of Kace blasphemy case

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and several sections of Muslim communities in the country have praised the National ...

Stop unlawful acts threatening interfaith unity: PMII

The Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII) emphasized the importance of aggressively stopping all unlawful acts ...

Wahid calls for stringent punishment meted to blasphemy law offenders

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Hidayat Nur Wahid lauded the National Police's crackdown on ...

MUI lauds police for prompt arrest of blasphemy suspect Kace

Indonesia's Ulema Council (MUI) praised the National Police for immediately arresting YouTuber Muhammad Kace over a ...

YouTuber Muhammad Kace arrested in blasphemy case

  Bali Police arrested YouTuber Muhammad Kace on Wednesday for allegedly insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad ...

Idul Adha emblematic of Muslims' sacrifice and sincerity: VP

Idul-Adha identically mirrors the sacrifice and sincerity of all Muslims, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, ...

Indonesia trying hard to reduce poverty : Vice President

The Indonesian government has been trying hard to tackle poverty through provision of social assistance, education, ...

Ministry asks netizens to 'speak right' during Ramadhan

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has urged Internet users, or netizens, to speak “good things” ...

Ramadhan: Saudi Arabia donates basic necessities for Indonesians

The Saudi government has donated three thousand packages containing basic necessities and 15 tons of dates for the ...

Ramadhan: PBNU urges people to obey govt guidelines

The Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) has urged people to comply with all government decisions, including ...

SE Sulawesi allows short-duration prayers at mosques during Ramadan

The Religious Affairs Ministry's Southeast Sulawesi Regional Office has allowed the conduct of tarawih prayers ...

Mataram mayor allows worshippers in mosques during Ramadhan

Mayor of Mataram, H Mohan Roliskana, has permitted entry to mosques during the holy month of Ramadhan, allowing the ...

West Aceh administration bolsters counter-radicalism program

The West Aceh district administration has stepped up its Muslim Village Program to safeguard its people from being ...